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Since the Leleges and the Cilicians were so closely related to the Trojans, people inquire for the reason why they are not included with the Trojans in the Catalogue. But it is reasonable to suppose that because of the loss of their leaders and the sacking of their cities the few Cilicians that were left were placed under the command of Hector, for both Eëtion and his sons are said to have been slain before the Catalogue:1“Verily my father was slain by the goodly Achilles, who utterly sacked the well-peopled city of Cilicians, Thebe of the lofty gates. And the seven brothers of mine in our halls, all these on the same day2 went inside the home of Hades, for all were slain by swift-footed, goodly Achilles.
”3And so, in the same way, those subject to Mynes lost both their leaders and their city:“And he laid low Mynes and Epistrophus, and sacked the city of godlike Mynes.
”4Hom. Il. 19.296But he makes the Leleges present at the battles when he says as follows:“Towards the sea are situated the Carians and the Paeonians, with curved bows, and the Leleges and Caucones.
”5And again,“he pierced with a sharp spear Satnius, son of Oenops, whom a noble Naiad nymph bore to Oenops, as he tended his herds beside the banks of the Satnioeis;
”6for they had not so completely disappeared that they did not have a separate organization of their own, since their king still survived,“of Altes, who is lord over the war-loving Leleges,
”7and since their city had not been utterly wiped out, for the poet adds,“who holds steep Pedasus on the Satnioeis.
”8However, the poet has omitted them in the Catalogue, not considering their organization sufficient to have a place in it, or else including them under the command of Hector because they were so closely related; for Lycaon, who was a brother of Hector, says,“to a short span of life my mother, daughter of the old man Altes, bore me—Altes who is lord over the war-loving Leleges.
”9Such, then, are the probabilities in this matter.
”3And so, in the same way, those subject to Mynes lost both their leaders and their city:“And he laid low Mynes and Epistrophus, and sacked the city of godlike Mynes.
”4Hom. Il. 19.296But he makes the Leleges present at the battles when he says as follows:“Towards the sea are situated the Carians and the Paeonians, with curved bows, and the Leleges and Caucones.
”5And again,“he pierced with a sharp spear Satnius, son of Oenops, whom a noble Naiad nymph bore to Oenops, as he tended his herds beside the banks of the Satnioeis;
”6for they had not so completely disappeared that they did not have a separate organization of their own, since their king still survived,“of Altes, who is lord over the war-loving Leleges,
”7and since their city had not been utterly wiped out, for the poet adds,“who holds steep Pedasus on the Satnioeis.
”8However, the poet has omitted them in the Catalogue, not considering their organization sufficient to have a place in it, or else including them under the command of Hector because they were so closely related; for Lycaon, who was a brother of Hector, says,“to a short span of life my mother, daughter of the old man Altes, bore me—Altes who is lord over the war-loving Leleges.
”9Such, then, are the probabilities in this matter.
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