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In the intervening space, facing that part of the Pontic Sea which extends from the Ister to the Tyras,1 lies the Desert of the Getae, wholly flat and waterless, in which Dareius the son of Hystaspis was caught2 on the occasion when he crossed the Ister to attack the Scythians and ran the risk of perishing from thirst, army and all; however, he belatedly realized his error and turned back. And, later on, Lysimachus, in his expedition against the Getae and King Dromichaetes, not only ran the risk but actually was captured alive; but he again came off safely, because he found the barbarian kind-hearted, as I said before.3

1 The Dniester.

2 As in a trap. Cp. the experience of Milo in 6. 1. 12 where the same Greek word is used.

3 7. 3. 8.

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