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1 Cp. 7. 3. 11.
2 The “Parisus” (otherwise unknown) should probably be emended to “Pathissus” (now the Lower Theiss), the river mentioned by Pliny (4. 25) in connection with the Daci.
3 i.e. Gauls.
4 Cp. 7. 5. 1 and footnote.
5 Now Sissek.
6 Cp. 4. 6. 10.
7 The Julian Alps.
8 Now Ober-Laibach.
9 Cp. 4. 6.1.
10 Now Trieste.
11 Now Lake Zirknitz.
12 Now the Gurk.
13 Something is wrong here. In 4. 6. 10 Strabo rightly makes the Saüs (Save) flow past Segestica (Sissek) and empty into the Danube, not the Drave. The Drave, too, empties into the Danube, not into some Noarus River. Moreover, the Noarus is otherwise unknown, except that it is again mentioned in 7. 5. 12 as “flowing past Segestica.”
14 Now the Kulpa.
15 The usual name for Segestica itself was Siscia.
16 Now Mitrovitza.
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