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1 Now Ossero and Cherso.
2 Now Veglia.
3 Now Arbo, Pago, Isola Longa, and the rest.
4 Now Lissa.
5 Now Trau.
6 In 384 B.C. (Diodorus Siculus, 15. 13).
7 Demetrius of Pharos, on making common cause with the Romans in 229 B.C., was made ruler of most of Illyria instead of Queen Tuta (Polybius, 2-10 ff.).
8 Now Salona, between Klissa and Spalato.
9 Also spelled Delminium; apparently what is now Duvno (see Pauly-Wissowa, s.v. “Delminium”).
10 P. Cornelius Scipio Nascia Corculum, in 155 B.C.
11 The Dinara.
12 Now Curzola.
13 Of the same name.
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