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1 Now Alessio.
2 A fortress near Lissus.
3 Now Durazzo.
4 Now the Semeni.
5 Now the Viosa.
6 Now Pollina.
7 Cp. 6. 2. 4, and Pliny 3.26.
8 More often spelled Lacmon; one of the heights of Pindus.
9 Now Kabousi, at the foot of the Djebel-Arsonz (Mt. Pieria), on the boundary of Cilicia and Syria.
10 In private communications to Professor C. R. Crosby of Cornell University, Dr. Paul Marchal and Professor F. Silvestri of Protici identify the insect in question as the Pseudococcus Vitis (also called Dactylopius Vitis, Nedzelsky). This insect, in conjunction with the fungus Bornetina Corium, still infests the vine in the region mentioned by Poseidonius.
11 For a discussion of this passage, see Mangin and Viala, Revue de Viticulture, 1903, Vol. XX, pp. 583-584.
12 President, or chief presiding-officer.
13 The territory (not the city of Byllis) between Apollonia and Oricum.
14 Now Erico.
15 See 6. 1. 7 and the footnote.
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