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1 Cape Araxus; now Kalogria.
2 Lit. "more completely" (see critical note).
3 Cape "Drepanum." Strabo confuses Cape Rhium with Cape Drepanum, since the two were separated by the Bay of Panormus (see Frazer's Paus. 7.22.10, 7.23.4, notes, and Curtius' Peloponnesos, I. p. 447).
4 After Molycreia, a small Aetolian town near by.
5 "Crisaean Gulf" (the Gulf of Salona of today) was often used in this broader sense. Cp. 8. 6. 21.
6 Strabo thus commits himself against the assertion of others (see at the beginning of the paragraph) that the Acheloüs separates the Acarnanians and the Aetolians.
7 The Greek for "the Locrians and" seems to have fallen out of the MSS. at this point; for Strabo has just said that "Antirrhium is on the common boundary of Aetolia and Locris" (see 9. 3. 1).
8 Some of the editors believe that words to the following effect have fallen out at this point: "is the Crisaean Gulf; but the sea from the city Creusa."
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