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1 6. 2. 9.
2 i.e., "through a subterranean channel."
3 "Pits."
4 Stymphalus.
5 It is incredible that Strabo wrote "fifty" here. Leake (Morea, III. 146, quoted approvingly by Tozer (Selections, 224, says that "five" must be right, which is "about the number of stades between the site of Stymphalus and the margin of the lake, on the average of the seasons." Palaeographically, however, it is far more likely that Strabo wrote "four" (see critical note).
6 The river formed by the confluence of the Aroanius and the Olbius, according to Frazer (note on Paus. 8.4.13).
7 Apparently Mt. Chaon (see Paus. 2.24).
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