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These places are rendered difficult of access both by the ruggedness of the country and by the number of streams of water which here form ravines through which they flow. For besides the Spercheius, which flows past Anticyra, there is the Dyras River, which, they say, tried to quench the funeral pyre of Heralces, and also another 1 Melas, which is five stadia distant from Trachin. To the south of Trachin, according to Herodotus,2 there is a deep gorge through which the Asopus, bearing the same name as the aforesaid Asopus Rivers,3 empties into the sea outside Pylae after receiving the Phoenix River, which meets it from the south and bears the name of the hero Phoenix, whose tomb is to be seen near it. The distance from the Asopus to Thermopylae is fifteen stadia.

1 See Book 7, Fr. 52.

2 7. 198, 200.

3 8. 6. 24 and 9. 2. 23.

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