Scipio Plans To Attack the Punic Camp
While the Consuls were thus engaged,
1 Scipio in Libya
learnt during the winter that the Carthaginians were fitting
out a fleet; he therefore devoted himself to
similar preparations as well as to pressing on
the siege of Utica.
B. C. 203. Cn. Servilius Caepio, C. Servilius Geminus Coss. Livy, 30, 1. |
He did not, however, give
up all hopes of Syphax; but as their forces
were not far apart he kept sending messages to
him, convinced that he would be able to detach him from the
Carthaginians. He still cherished the belief that Syphax was
getting tired of the girl
2 for whose sake he had joined the
Carthaginians, and of his alliance with the Punic people
generally; for the Numidians, he knew, were naturally quick
to feel satiety, and constant neither to gods nor men. Scipio's
mind, however, was distracted with various anxieties, and his
prospects were far from seeming secure to him; for he shrank
from an engagement in the open field on account of the
enemy's great superiority in numbers. He therefore seized an
opportunity which now presented itself. Some of his messengers to Syphax reported to him that the Carthaginians had
constructed their huts in their winter camp of various kinds of
wood and boughs without any earth; while the old army of the
Numidians made theirs of reeds, and the reinforcements which
were now coming in from the neighbouring townships constructed
theirs of boughs only, some of them inside the trench and palisade, but the greater number outside. Scipio therefore made up
his mind that the manner of attacking them, which would be
most unexpected by the enemy and most successful for himself,
would be by fire. He therefore turned his attention to
organising such an attack.
Now, in his communications with
Scipio, Syphax was continually harping upon his
proposal that the Carthaginians should evacuate
Italy and the Romans Libya; and that the possessions held by either between these two countries should
remain in
statu quo. Hitherto Scipio had refused to listen to
this suggestion, but he now gave Syphax a hint by the mouth
of his messengers that the course he wished to see followed
was not impossible. Greatly elated at this, Syphax became
much bolder than before in his communications with Scipio;
the numbers of the messengers sent backwards and forwards,
and the frequency of their visits, were redoubled; and they
sometimes even stayed several days in each other's camps
without any thought of precaution. On these occasions
Scipio always took care to send, with the envoys, some men of
tried experience or of military knowledge, dressed up as slaves
in rough and common clothes, that they might examine and
investigate in security the approaches and entrances to both
the entrenchments. For there were two camps, one that of
Hasdrubal, containing thirty thousand infantry and three thousand cavalry; and another about ten stades distant from it of the
Numidians, containing ten thousand cavalry and about fifty thousand infantry. The latter was the easier of approach, and its
huts were well calculated for being set on fire, because, as I
said before, the Numidians had not made theirs of timber and
earth, but used simply reeds and thatch in their construction.