[4] One thing is certain, that the poet has bestowed all these gifts upon Ulysses, whom beyond any of his other [heroes] he loves to adorn with every virtue. He says of him, that he
That he was“ Discover'd various cities, and the mind
And manners learn'd of men in lands remote.1Odyssey i 3.
He is continually described as ‘the destroyer of cities,’ and as having vanquished Troy, by his counsels, his advice, and his deceptive art. Diomede says of him,“ Of a piercing wit and deeply wise.2
”Iliad iii. 202.
He prides himself on his skill in husbandry, for at the harvest [he says],“ Let him attend me, and through fire itself
We shall return; for none is wise as he.3Ib. x. 246.
And also in tillage,“ I with my well-bent sickle in my hand,
Thou arm'd with one as keen.4Odyssey xviii. 367.
And Homer was not singular in his opinion regarding these matters, for all educated people appeal to him in favour of the idea that such practical knowledge is one of the chief means of acquiring understanding.“ Then shouldst thou see
How straight my furrow should be cut and true.5Ib. xviii. 374.