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[12] Proceeding thence, next in order is the mouth of the river Halys. It has its name from the hales, or salt mines,1 near which it flows. It has its source in the Greater Cappadocia, near the territory of Pontus, in Camisene. It flows in a large stream towards the west, then turning to the north through the country of the Galatians and Paphlagonians, forms the boundary of their territory, and of that of the Leuco—Syrians. The tract of land belonging to Sinope and all the mountainous country as far as Bithynia, situated above the sea-coast, which has been described, furnishes timber of excellent quality for ship-building, and is easily conveyed away. The territory of Sinope produces the maple, and the mountain nut tree, from which wood for tables is cut. The whole country is planted with the olive, and cultivation begins a little above the seacoast.
The Geography of Strabo. Literally translated, with notes, in three volumes. London. George Bell & Sons. 1903.
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References (4 total)
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, Σι^νώπη
- LSJ, ἁλή
- LSJ, εὐκατα-κόμιστος
- LSJ, ὀροκάρυ^ον
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