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Beyond Abydos are the parts about Ilium, the seacoast as far as Lectum, the places in the Trojan plain, and the country at the foot of Ida, which was subject to Æneas. The poet names the Dardanii in two ways, speaking of them as

“ Dardanii governed by the brave son of Anchises,1

Il. ii. 819.
calling them Dardanii, and also Dardani;

“ Troes, and Lycii, and close-fighting Dardani.2

Il. xv. 425.

It is probable that the Dardania,3 so called by the poet, was anciently situated there;

“ Dardanus, the son of cloud-compelling Jupiter, founded Dardania:4

Il. xx. 215.
at present there is not a vestige of a city.

1 Il. ii. 819.

2 Il. xv. 425.

3 The ancient Dardania in the interior; a second Dardania was afterwards built on the sea-coast.

4 Il. xx. 215.

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