[31] After Rhœteium is Sigeium,1 a city in ruins, and the naval station, the harbour of the Achæans, the Achæan camp, the Stomalimne, as it is called, and the mouths of the Scamander. The Scamander and the Simoeis, uniting in the plain,2 bring down a great quantity of mud, bank up the sea-coast, and form a blind mouth, salt-water lakes, and marshes. Opposite the Sigeian promontory on the Cherronesus is the Protesilæium,3 and Eleussa, of which I have spoken in the description of Thrace.
1 Ienischer.
2 The Scamander no longer unites with the Simoïs, and for a considerable length of time has discharged itself into the Archipelago. The ancient mouth of these rivers preserve, however, the name Menderé, which is an evident alteration of Scamander, and the name Menderé has also become that of the ancient Simoïs. It is to be observed that Demetrius of Scepsis, whose opinions on what regards these rivers and the position of Troy are quoted by Strabo, constantly takes the Simoïs or Mender??é for the Scamander of Homer. The researches of M. de Choiseul-Gouf- fier on the Troad appear to me clearly to demonstrate that Demetrius of Scepsis is mistaken.—Gossellin.
3 The temple or tomb of Protesilaus, one of the Greek princes who went to the siege of Troy, and the first who was killed on disembarking. Artayctes, one of the generals of Xerxes, pillaged the temple and profaned it by his debauchery. According to Herodotus, (b. ix. 115,) who narrates the circumstance, the temple and the tomb of Protesilaus must have been in Eleussa (Paleo-Castro) itself, or at least very near this city. Chandler thought he had discovered this tomb near the village which surrounds the castle of Europe.
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