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In the valley about the Æsepus, on the left of its course, the first place we meet with is Polichna, a walled stronghold; then Palæscepsis, next Alizonium, a place invented for the supposed existence of the Halizoni whom we have mentioned before.1 Then Caresus, a deserted city, and Caresene, and a river of the same name, (Caresus,) which also forms a considerable valley, but less than that about the Æsepus. Next follow the plains of Zeleia, and the mountain plains, which are well cultivated. On the right of the Æsepus, between Polichna and Palæscepsis is Nea-Come,2 and Argyria, (the silver mines,)3 which are another fiction framed to sup port the same hypothesis, in order that the words of Homer may be defended,

“ where silver is produced.4

Il. ii. 856.

Where then is Alybe, or Alope, or in whatever way they please to play upon the name? For they ought to have had the impudence to invent this place also, and not to leave their system imperfect and exposed to detection, when they had once ventured so far. This is the contradiction which may be given to Demetrius.

As to the rest, we ought at least in the greatest number of instances to attend to a man of experience, and a native of the country, who also had bestowed so much thought and time on this subject as to write thirty books to interpret little more than 60 lines of the catalogue of the Trojan forces.

Palæscepsis, according to Demetrius, is distant from Ænea 50, and from the river Æsepus 30, stadia, and the name of Palæscepsis is applied to many other places.5

We return to the sea-coast, from which we have digressed.

1 B. xii. c. iii. § 21.

2 Below Strabo calls this same place Ænea, and in b. xii. c. iii. § 23, Enea-Come. Pliny calls it Nea; it is said to be the same place called by the Turks Ene.

3 ᾿αοͅγύια, in the neuter gender, with the accent on the antipenultima, means ‘silver mines.’ But ᾿αοͅγυοͅία with the accent on the penultima, becomes the name of a town.

4 Il. ii. 856.

5 What other places? I do not think that Strabo or Demetrius have mentioned any other place bearing the name of Palæscepsis.—Du Theil.

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