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Next to Colophon is the mountain Coracium, and a small island sacred to Artemis, to which it is believed that the hinds swim across to bring forth their young.

Then follows Lebedos,1 distant from Colophon 120 stadia. This is the place of meeting and residence2 of the Dionysiac artists (who travel about) Ionia as far as the Hellespont. In Ionia a general assembly is held, and games are celebrated every year in honour of Bacchus. These artists formerly inhabited Teos,3 a city of the Ionians, next in order after Colophon, but on the breaking out of a sedition they took refuge at Ephesus; and when Attalus settled them at Myonnesus,4 between Teos and Lebedos, the Teians sent a deputation to request the Romans not to permit Myonnesus to be fortified, as it would endanger their safety. They migrated to Lebedos, and the Lebedians were glad to receive them, on account of their own scanty population.

Teos is distant from Lebedos 120 stadia. Between these two places is the island Aspis,5 which some writers call Arcon- nesus. Myonnesus is situated upon high ground resembling a peninsula.

1 Lebedigli Lebeditz hissar.

2 During the season when these actors, dancers, and singers were not on circuit at festivals.

3 Budrun.

4 Ouvriokasli.

5 Ypsilo Nisi.

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