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[16] Then follows Halicarnasus, formerly called Zephyra, the royal seat of the dynasts of Caria. Here is the sepulchre of Mausolus, one of the seven wonders of the world;1 Artemisia erected it, in honour of her husband. Here also is the fountain Salmacis, which has a bad repute, for what reason I know not, for making those who drink of it effeminate. Mankind, enervated by luxury, impute the blame of its effects to different kinds of air and water, but these are not the causes of luxury, but riches and intemperance. There is an acropolis at Halicarnasus. In front of it lies Arconnesus.2 It had, among others, as its founders, Anthes and a body of Trœzenians.3 Among the natives of Halicarnasus were Herodotus the historian, who was afterwards called Thurius, because he was concerned in sending out the colony to Thurii; Heracleitus the poet, the friend of Callimachus; and in our time, Dionysius the historian.
1 The word ἔοͅγον, ‘a work,’ suggests that there is some omission in the text. Coraÿ supposes that the name of the architect or architects is wanting. Groskurd would supply the words σκόπα καὶ ἄλλων τεχνιτῶν, ‘the work of Scopas and other artificers.’ See Pliny, N. H. xxxvi., and Vitruvius Præf. b. vii.
2 Coronata.
3 Mela says, of Argives. B. i. c. xvi. § 19.
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