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Taprobane1 is said to be an island, lying out at sea, distant from the most southerly parts of India, which are opposite the Coniaci, seven days'2 sail towards the south. Its length is about 8000 stadia in the direction of Ethiopia.3 It produces elephants.

This is the account of Eratosthenes. The accounts of other writers, in addition to this, whenever they convey exact information, will contribute to form the description4 (of India).

1 Ceylon.

2 The voyage from the Ganges to Ceylon, in the time of Eratosthenes, occupied seven days, whence he concluded that Ceylon was seven days' sail from the continent.

3 Groskurd reads 5000 stadia. B. ii. c. i. § 14.

4 εἰδοποιήσουσι. Coraÿ.

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