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Nor do the writers who, many ages since Alexander's time, have given an account of these countries, nor even those who at present make voyages thither, afford any precise information.

Apollodorus, for instance, author of the Parthian History, when he mentions the Greeks who occasioned the revolt of Bactriana from the Syrian kings, who were the successors of Seleucus Nicator, says, that when they became powerful they invaded India. He adds no discoveries to what was previously known, and even asserts, in contradiction to others, that the Bactrians had subjected to their dominion a larger portion of India than the Macedonians; for Eucratidas (one of these kings) had a thousand cities subject to his authority. But other writers affirm that the Macedonians conquered nine nations situated between the Hydaspes1 and the Hypanis,2 and obtained possession of five hundred cities, not one of which was less than Cos Meropis,3 and that Alexander, after having conquered all this country, delivered it up to Porus.

1 Behul or Jelum.

2 Beas.

3 The island Cos, or Stanco, one of the earlier names of which was Meropis.

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