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The country lying at the foot of the mountains is very fertile. The people, called by the Macedonians Mygdones, occupy the parts towards the Euphrates, and both Zeugmata, that is, the Zeugma in Commagene, and the ancient Zeugma at Thapsacus. In their territory is Nisibis,1 which they called also Antioch in Mygdonia, situated below Mount Masius,2 and Tigranocerta,3 and the places about Carrhæ, Nicephorium,4 Chordiraza,5 and Sinnaca, where Crassus was taken prisoner by stratagem, and put to death by Surena, the Parthian general.6

1 Nisibin.

2 Kara-dagh.

3 Sered.

4 Haran.

5 Racca.

6 B. C. 51.

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