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Having described Cœle-Syria properly so called, we pass on to Phœnicia, of which we have already described1 the part extending from Orthosia to Berytus.

Next to Berytus is Sidon, at the distance of 400 stadia. Between these places is the river Tamyras,2 and the grove of Asclepius and Leontopolis.

Next to Sidon is Tyre,3 the largest and most ancient city of the Phœnicians. This city is the rival of Sidon in magnitude, fame, and antiquity, as recorded in many fables. For although poets have celebrated Sidon more than Tyre (Homer, however, does not even mention Tyre), yet the colonies sent into Africa and Spain, as far as, and beyond the Pillars, extol much more the glory of Tyre. Both however were formerly, and are at present, distinguished and illustrious cities, but which of the two should be called the capital of Phœnicia is a subject of dispute among the inhabitants.4 Sidon is situated upon a fine naturally-formed harbour on the mainland.

1 Above, c. i. § 12, 15.

2 Nahr-Damur.

3 Sour.

4 Tyre—daughter of Zidon. Isaiah xxiii. 12.

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