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[28] Then Joppa,1 where the coast of Egypt, which at first stretches towards the east, makes a remarkable bend towards the north. In this place, according to some writers, Andromeda was exposed to the sea-monster. It is sufficiently elevated; it is said to command a view of Jerusalem, the capital of the Jews,2 who, when they descended to the sea, used this place as a naval arsenal. But the arsenals of robbers are the haunts of robbers. Carmel, and the forest, belonged to the Jews. The district was so populous that the neighbouring village Iamneia,3 and the settlements around, could furnish forty thousand soldiers. Thence to Casium,4 near Pelusium, are little more than 1000 stadia, and 1300 to Pelusium itself.
1 Jaffa.
2 Van Egmont (Travels, vol. i. p. 297) considers it impossible, from the character of the intervening country, to see Jerusalem from Joppa. Pococke, on the contrary, says, that it would not be surprising to see from the heights of Joppa, in fine weather, the summit of one of the high towers of Jerusalem; and this is not so unlikely, for according to Josephus the sea was visible from the tower of Psephina at Jerusalem.
3 Jebna.
4 Ras-el-Kasaroun.
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- Cross-references to this page
- The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, JAMNEIA or JABNEH (Yavneh) Israel.
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, σημει-ώδης