[4] After the Helvetii, the Sequani1 and Mediornatrici2 dwell along the Rhine, amongst whom are the Tribocchi,3 a German nation who emigrated from their country hither. Mount Jura, which is in the country of the Sequani, separates that people from the Helvetii. To the west, above the Helvetii and Sequani, dwell the Ædui and Lingones; the Leuci and a part of the Lingones dwelling above the Mediomatrici. The nations between the Loire and the Seine, and beyond the Rhone and the Saone, are situated to the north near to the Allobroges,4 and the parts about Lyons. The most celebrated amongst them are the Arverni and Carnutes,5 through both of whose territories the Loire flows before discharging itself into the ocean. The distance from the rivers of Keltica to Britain is 320 stadia; for departing in the evening with the ebb tide, you will arrive on the morrow at the island about the eighth hour.6 After the Mediomatrici and Tribocchi, the Treviri7 inhabit along the Rhine; in their country the Roman generals now engaged in the German war have constructed a bridge. Opposite this place on the other bank of the river dwelt the Ubii, whom Agrippa with their own consent brought over to this side the Rhine.8 The Nervii,9 another German nation, are contiguous to the Treviri; and last the Menapii, who inhabit either bank of the river near to its outlets; they dwell amongst marshes and forests, not lofty, but consisting of dense and thorny wood. Near to these dwell the Sicambri,10 who are likewise Germans. The country next the whole [eastern] bank is inhabited by the Suevi, who are also named Germans, but are superior both in power and number to the others, whom they drove out, and who have now taken refuge on this side the Rhine. Other tribes have sway in different places; they are successively a prey to the flames of war, the former inhabitants for the most part being destroyed.
1 The Sequani occupied La Franche-Comté.
2 Metz was the capital of the Mediomatrici.
3 These people dwe'; between the Rhine and the Vosges, nearly from Colmar to Hagenau.
4 The Allobroges dwelt to the left of the Rhone, between that river and the Isère.
5 The Arverni have given their name to Auvergne, and the Carnutes to Chartrain.
6 Strabo here copies Cæsar exactly, who, speaking of his second passage into Britain, (lib. v. c. 8,) says: ‘Ad solis occasum naves solvit . . . . accessum est ad Britanniam omnibus navibus meridiano fere tempore.’
7 The capital of these people is Trèves.
8 Viz. to the western bank of the river.
9 The Nervii occupied Hainault, and the Comté de Namur.
10 The Sicambri occupied the countries of Berg, Mark, and Arensberg. They afterwards formed part of the people included under the name of Franci or Franks.
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