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AT the bottom of the bay (Carcinites) commences the isthmus1 which separates the lake called Sapra, [or the Putrid Lake,] from the sea; it is 40 stadia in width, and forms the Tauric or Scythian Chersonese.2 This, according to some, is 360 stadia across. The Putrid Lake3 is said to extend 4000 stadia (in circumference), and forms part of the [Palus] Mœotis on its western side, with which it communicates by a large opening. It abounds in marshy tracts, and is scarcely navigable with ‘sewn’4 boats. The shallower parts are soon uncovered, and again covered with water, by the force of the wind; but the marsh will not bear boats of a deeper draught. In the bay are three small islands; and in sailing along the coast, some shallows are met with, and rocks which rise above water.
1 Perekop. The isthmus is about 5 1/2 miles across, according to M, Huot's map, which accompanies Prince Demidoff's Travels in Russia.
2 The Crimea.
3 The Sivash, or Putrid Lake. It communicates at the present day, not by a large opening, but by the narrow strait of Yenitche, or Tonka, with the Sea of Azof, (the Palus Mæotis,) from which it is separated by the Tonka, or Tongue of Arabat.
4 ῥαπτοῖς πλοίοις. Boats probably composed of frame-work covered with hides.
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- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, περ-άσιμος
- LSJ, πλώ-ι^μος
- LSJ, ῥαπ-τός
- LSJ, συστομ-όομαι