THERE remains to be described that part of Europe
included between the Danube and the sea which surrounds it,
beginning from the inner recess of the Adriatic, and extending to the Sacred mouth of the Danube.
This part contains Greece, Macedonia, Epirus, and the
people who live above them, extending to the Danube and to
the two seas (the Adriatic and the Euxine Sea) on each
side. On the Adriatic are the Illyrians; on the Euxine
Sea, as far as the Propontis
1 and Hellespont, are the Thracians, and the Scythian or Keltic tribes intermixed with
them. We must begin from the Danube, and treat of the
countries which follow next in order to those already described, that is to say, the parts contiguous to Italy, the
Alps, the Germans, the Dacians, and the Getæ.
These may be divided into two parts. For the mountains
of Illyria, Pæonia, and Thrace, may be considered as forming, as it were, a single line, parallel to the Danube, and
extending from the Adriatic to the Euxine. To the north of
this line is the country included between the Danube and the
mountains. To the south is Greece and the barbarous tract
contiguous to these mountains.
Near the Euxine Sea is Mount Hæmus,
2 the largest and
the highest of the mountains in that quarter, and divides
Thrace nearly in the middle. According to Polybius, both
seas may be seen from this mountain; but he is mistaken, for
the distance to the Adriatic is considerable, and many things
obstruct the view.
Almost the whole of Ardia
3 lies near the Adriatic, Pæonia
is in the middle, and all this country consists of elevated
ground. On the side towards Thrace, it is bounded by
4 a mountain next in height to Hæmus; on the other
side to the north is Illyria, and the country of the Autariatæ,
and Dardania.
I shall first describe Illyria, which approaches close to the
Danube, and to the Alps which lie between Italy and Germany,
taking their commencement from the lake in the territory of
the Vindelici, Rhæti, and Helvetii.
The Daci depopulated a part of this country in their
wars with the Boii and Taurisci, Keltic tribes whose chief
was Critasirus. The Daci claimed the country, although it
was separated from them by the river Parisus,
8 which flows
from the mountains to the Danube, near the Galatæ Scordisci,
a people who lived intermixed with the Illyrian and the Thracian tribes. The Illyrians were destroyed by the Daci, while
the Scordisci were frequently their allies.
The rest of the country as far as Segestica,
9 and the Danube,
towards the north and east, is occupied by Pannonii, but they
extend farther in an opposite direction. The city Segestica,
belonging to the Pannonii, is situated at the confluence of
several rivers, all of which are navigable. It is in a convenient situation for carrying on war against the Daci, for it
lies at the foot of the Alps, which extend to the Iapodes,
10 a
mixed Keltic and Illyrian tribe. Thence also flow the rivers
by which is conveyed to Segestica a great quantity of merchandise, and among the rest, commodities from Italy. The
distance from Aquileia to Nauportus,
11 a settlement of the Taurisci, across the mountain Ocra,
12 is 350, or, according to some
writers, 500 stadia. Merchandise is transported to Nauportus
in waggons. The Ocra is the lowest part of the Alps, which
extend from Rhætica to the Iapodes, where the mountains
rise again, and are called Albii. From Tergeste,
13 a village of
the Carni,
14 there is a pass across and through the Ocra to a
marsh called Lugeum.
15 A river, the Corcoras, flows near
Nauportus, and conveys the merchandise from that place. It
discharges itself into the Save, and this latter river into the
Drave; the Drave again into the Noarus at Segestica. Here
the Noarus, having received the Colapis
16 as it descends in its
full stream from the mountain Albius through the Iapodes,
enters the Danube among the Scordisci. The navigation on
the rivers is in general towards the north. The journey from
Tergeste to the Danube is about 1200 stadia. Near Segestica
is Siscia, a strong-hold, and Sirmium, both situated on the
road to Italy.
The Breuci, Andizetii, Ditiones, Peirustæ, Mazæi, Daisitiatæ, whose chief was Baton, and other small obscure communities, which extend to Dalmatia, and almost to the Ardiæi
to the south, are Pannonians. The whole mountainous tract
from the recess of the Adriatic bay to the Rhizonic gulf,
17 and
to the territory of the Ardiæi, intervening between the sea and
Pannonia, forms the coast of Illyria.
Here perhaps we ought to begin an uninterrupted account
of these places, after a short repetition.
In describing Italy we said, that the Istri were the first
nation on the Illyrian coast, contiguous to Italy and to the
Carni, and that the present government had advanced the
limits of Italy to Pola,
18 a city of Istria. These limits are distant about 800 stadia from the recess of the bay. It is the
same distance from the promontory in front of Pola to Ancon,
19 keeping Henetica
20 on the right hand. The whole voyage
along the coast of Istria is 1300 stadia.
Next is the voyage along the coast of the Iapodes, 1000
stadia in extent. The Iapodes are situated on Mount Albius,
which is the termination of the Alps, and is of very great
height. They reach in one direction to the Pannonii and the
Danube, and in another to the Adriatic. They are a warlike
people, but were completely subdued by Augustus. Their
cities are Metulum, Arupinum, Monetium, Vendum.
21 The
country is poor, and the inhabitants live chiefly upon spelt
and millet.
22 Their armour is after the Keltic fashion. Their
bodies are punctured, like those of the other Illyrian and
Thracian people.
After the coast of the Iapodes follows that of Liburnia,
exceeding the former by 500 stadia. On this coast is Scardon,
23 a Liburnian city, and a river,
24 which is navigable for
vessels of burden as far as the Dalmatæ.
Islands are scattered along the whole of the above-mentioned coast; among them are the Apsyrtides, where Medea
is said to have killed her brother Apsyrtus, who was pursuing her.
Near the Iapodes is Cyrictica,
25 then the Liburnian islands,
about forty in number; other islands follow, of which the
best known are Issa, Tragurium, founded by Isseans; Pharos,
formerly Paros, founded by Parians, the birth-place of Demetrius, the Pharian; then the coast of the Dallnatæ and
their naval arsenal, Salon.
26 This nation was for a long time
at war with the Romans. They had fifty considerable settlements, some of which were in the rank of cities, as Salon,
Priomon, Ninias, and the old and new Sinotium. Augustus
burnt them down. There is also Andetrium, a strong fortress,
and Dalmatium, a large city, of the same name as the nation.
Scipio Nasica greatly reduced its size, and converted the plain
into a pasture for sheep, on account of the disposition of the
people to rob and pillage.
It is a custom peculiar to the Dalmatæ to make a partition
of their lands every eighth year. They do not use money,
which is a peculiarity also when compared with the habits of
the other inhabitants of this coast; but this is common among
many other tribes of barbarians.
The mountain Adrion divides Dalmatia into two parts, one
of which is on the sea, the other forms the opposite side of
the mountain. Then follow the river Naron, and the people
in the neighbourhood, the Daorizi, Ardiæi, and Pleræi.
27 Near
the former lies the island Black Corcyra,
28 on which is a city
founded by the Cnidians. Near the Ardiæi is Pharos, formerly called Paros, for it was founded by Parians.
Later writers call the Ardiæi, Vard$sei.
29 The Romans
drove them into the interior from the sea-coast, which
was infested by their piracies, and compelled them to
cultivate the ground; but as the country was rugged and
barren, and not adapted to husbandry, the nation was entirely
ruined and nearly extinguished. The same happened to other
neighbouring nations. People formerly very powerful are
extinct, or were reduced to the lowest condition, as the Boii
and Scordisci among the Galatæ; the Autariatæ, Ardiæi, and
Dardanii, among the Illyrians; and the Triballi among the
Thracians. They first declined in consequence of disputes
amongst themselves, but were finally prostrated by wars with
the Macedonians and Romans.
After the termination of the coast of the Ardiæi and
Pleræi is the bay of the Rhizæi, a city Rhizon,
30 other small
towns, and the river Drilon,
31 which may be navigated up its
stream towards the east as far as Dardanica. This country
is situated close to the Macedonian and Pæonian nations, towards the south, as also the Autariatæ and the Dasaretii are
in parts contiguous to one another [and to the Autariatæ].
To the Dardaniatae belong the Galabrii,
33 in whose territory is
an ancient city; and the Thunatæ, who approach on the east
close to the Mædi,
34 a Thracian tribe.
The Dardanii are entirely a savage people, so much so that
they dig caves beneath dungheaps, in which they dwell; yet
they are fond of music, and are much occupied in playing
upon pipes and on stringed instruments. They inhabit the
inland parts of the country, and we shall mention them again
in another place.
After the bay of Rhizon
35 is Lissus,
36 a city, Acrolissus,
and Epidamnus, the present Dyrrhachium,
38 founded by Corcyræans, and bearing the name of the peninsula on which it
is situated. Then follow the rivers Apsus
39 and the Aous,
40 on
the banks of which is situated Apollonia,
41 a city governed by
excellent laws. It was founded by Corinthians and Corcyræans, and is distant from the river 10, and from the sea 60,
stadia. Hecatæus calls the Aous, Aias, and says that from
the same place, or rather from the same sources about Lacmus,
42 the Inachus flows southward, to Argos,
43 and the Aias
westward, into the Adriatic.
In the territory of the Apolloniatæ there is what is called a
Nymphæum. It is a rock which emits fire. Below it are
springs flowing with hot water and asphaltus. The earth
containing the asphaltus is probably in a state of combustion.
The asphaltus is dug out of a neighbouring hill; the parts
excavated are replaced by fresh earth, which after a time are
converted into asphaltus. This account is given by Posidonius, who says also, that the ampelitis, an asphaltic earth found
in the Pierian Seleucia,
44 is a remedy for the lice which infest
the vine. If the vine is smeared with this earth mixed with
oil, the insects are killed before they ascend from the root to
the branches. This earth, but it required for use a larger
quantity of oil, he says was found at Rhodes also, while he
held there the office of Prytanes.
Next to Apollonia is Bylliace (Bullis) and Oricum,
45 with
its naval arsenal, Panormus, and the Ceraunian mountains,
which form the commencement of the entrance of the Ionian
and Adriatic Gulfs.
The mouth is common to both; but this difference is to
be observed, that the name Ionian
46 is applied to the first part
of the gulf only, and Adriatic to the interior sea up to the farthest end, but the name Adriatic is now applied to the whole
sea. According to Theopompus, the name Ionian was de-
rived from a chief (Ionius) of that country, a native of Issa;
and the name Adriatic from a river, Adrias.
From the Liburni to the Ceraunian mountains is a distance
of a little more than 2000 stadia. But Theopompus says,
that it is six days' sail from the farthest recess of the bay,
but a journey of thirty days by land along the length of Ilyria. This appears to me an exaggeration, but he makes many
incredible statements. Among other instances, he pretends
that there is a subterraneous passage between the Adriatic
and the Ægæan Seas, grounding his opinion on the discovery
of Chian and Thasian pottery in the river Naron.
48 The two
seas, he says, may be seen from some pretended mountain.
He describes the Liburnian islands as occupying a position so
extensive as to form a circle of 500 stadia. According to
him, the Danube discharges itself by one of its mouths into the
49 Similar mistakes are to be found in Eratosthenes,
which Polybius, when speaking of him and other writers, describes as having their origin in vulgar error.
On the coast of Illyria, along its whole extent, and in
the neighbouring islands, there are numerous excellent harbours, contrary to what occurs on the opposite Italian coast,
where there are none. As in Italy, however, the climate is
warm, and the soil productive of fruits; olives also and vines
grow readily, except in some few excessively rugged places.
Although Illyria possesses these advantages, it was formerly
neglected, through ignorance, perhaps, of its fertility; but it
was principally avoided on account of the savage manners of
the inhabitants, and their piratical habits.
The region situated above the sea-coast is mountainous,
cold, and at times covered with snow. The northern part is
still colder, so that vines are rarely to be met with either in
the hills or in the plains lower down. These mountain-plains
are in the possession of the Pannonians, and extend towards
the south as far as the Dalmatians and Ardiæi. They terminate towards the north at the Ister, and approach towards
the east close to the Scordisci, who live near the Macedonian
and Thracian mountains.
The Autariatæ were the most populous and the bravest
tribe of the Illyrians. Formerly, there were continual disputes between them and the Ardiæi respecting the salt which
was spontaneously formed on the confines of their respective
territories, in the spring season, from water which flows
through a valley. The salt concreted five days after the
water was drawn and deposited in reservoirs. The right of
collecting salt was, by agreement, to be exercised alternately
by each party, but the compact was broken and war was the
consequence. After the Autariatæ had subdued the Triballi,
a people whose territory extended a journey of fifteen days,
from the Agrianæ to the Danube, they became masters of the
Thracians and Illyrians. The Autariatæ were first conquered
by the Scordisci, and afterwards by the Romans, who overpowered the Scordisci, for a long time a powerful nation.
This people inhabited the country on the banks of the
Danube, and were divided into two tribes, the Great and the
Little Scordisci.
51 The former occupied the space between two
rivers, which empty themselves into the Danube, the Noarus,
which runs beside Segestica, and the Margus, or, as some
call it, Bargus. The Little Scordisci lived beyond this river
close to the Triballi and Mysi.
53 The Scordisci possessed some
of the islands also. They increased so much in strength and
numbers as to advance even to the Illyrian, Pæonian, and
Thracian confines. Most of the islands on the Danube fell
into their hands, and they possessed the cities Heorta and
Next to the territory of the Scordisci, lying along the banks
of the Danube, is the country of the Triballi and Mysi, whom
we have before mentioned; we have also spoken of the
55 of the Lesser Scythia on this side the Danube. This
nation, and the Crobyzi, and the nation called Troglodytæ,
live above the districts in which are situated Callatis, Tomis,
and Ister.
56 Next are the people about the Mount Hæmus,
and those who live at its foot, extending as far as the Pontus,
Coralli, and Bessi, and some tribes of Mædi and of Dantheletæ. All these nations are very much addicted to robbery.
The Bessi possess far the greatest part of Mount Hæmus,
and are called Robbers from their mode of life as free-booters.
Some of them live in huts and lead a life of hardship. They
extend close to Rhodope, the Pæeones, and to the Illyrian nations; to the Autariatæ also, and the Dardanians. Between
these and the Ardiæi are the Dasaretii, Hybrianes, and other
obscure nations, whose numbers the Scordisci were continually
reducing, until they had made the country a desert, full of
impassable forests, which extended several days' journey.