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Eleians and Messenians occupy the western side of this peninsula. Their territory is washed by the Sicilian Sea. They possess the coast also on each side. Elis bends towards the north and the commencement of the Corinthian Gulf as far as the promontory Araxus,1 opposite to which across the strait is Acarnania; the islands Zacynthus,2 Cephallenia,3 Ithaca,4 and the Echinades, to which belongs Dulichium, lie in front of it. The greater part of Messenia is open to the south and to the Libyan Sea as far as the islands Thyrides near Tænarum.5

Next to Elis, is the nation of the Achæi looking towards the north, and stretching along the Corinthian Gulf they terminate at Sicyonia. Then follow Sicyon6 and Corinth, extending as far as the isthmus. Next after Messenia are Laconia and Argeia, which latter country also reaches as far as the isthmus.

The bays of the Peloponnesus are the Messeniac,7 the Laconian,8 a third the Argolic,9 and a fourth the Hermionic,10 or the Saronic,11 which some writers call the Salaminiac bay. Some of these bays are supplied by the Libyan, others by the Cretan and Myrtoan Seas. Some call even the Saronic Gulf a sea. In the middle of Peloponnesus is Arcadia, lying contiguous to all the other nations.

1 Cape Papa.

2 Zante.

3 Cephalonia.

4 Theaki.

5 Cape Matapan.

6 Basilico.

7 Gulf of Coron.

8 Gulf of Colochina.

9 Gulf of Napoli.

10 Gulf of Castri.

11 Gulf of Egina.

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