But if it is not to be lawful for our generals, and for the senate, and for
the Roman people, by holding out rewards to them, to tempt all the bravest
and most virtuous men out of the cities of our allies and friends to
encounter dangers in behalf of our safety, then we shall be deprived of what
is a most exceeding advantage to us, and of what has often been a very great
protection and support to us in dangerous and critical times.
But, in the name of the immortal gods! what sort
of alliance, what sort of friendship, what sort of treaty is that by virtue
of which our city in its time of danger is to have no defender from
Massilia, or from Gades, or from Saguntum; or, if there should arise an
assistant to us from those cities, any one who may have aided our generals
with the help afforded by his labour, or by his riches, or by his personal
danger,—any one who may have often fought hand to hand in our
ranks against our enemies, who may have repeatedly exposed himself to the
weapons of the enemy, to battle for his life, to imminent
death,—that such a one can by no possible means be rewarded with
the honours contained in our rights of citizenship?
For it is a very serious consideration for the Roman
people, if they are not to be able to avail themselves of the help of allies
who are endued with any extraordinary virtue, and who may be willing to join
themselves to us, and to consider our danger their own; and it is also an
injurious and insulting thing towards the allies, and for those federate
states that we are now discussing, that our most faithful and united allies
should be shut out from these rewards and from these honours, which are open
to our mercenary troops, which are open to our enemies, which
are open often even to our slaves. For we see that mercenary troops in
numbers from Africa, Sicily, Sardinia and other provinces have had the freedom of the
city conferred on them, and we know that those enemies who have come over to
our commanders and have been of great use to our republic have been made
citizens and lastly that slaves,—beings whose rights, and fortune,
and condition are the lowest of all,—who have deserved well of the
republic we see constantly presented publicly with liberty, that is to say,
with the rights of citizenship.
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