On this, the senate being anxious, you knights being in a state of great
excitement, all Italy being
agitated,—in short, all citizens of every sort and of every rank,
thought that they must seek help for the republic from the consuls and from
the supreme power, while they were the only men, besides that frantic
tribune,—those two whirlwinds (so to say) of the
republic,—who not only did not come to the assistance of their
falling country, but who even grieved that it was falling so slowly. They
were every day solicited both by the complaints of all good men, and by the
direct entreaties of the senate, to undertake my cause, to act on my behalf,
and to bring some proposition before the senate. They attacked all the most
eminent men of that body, not only refusing their request but even laughing
at it.
But when on a sudden an incredible
multitude from the whole city, and from all Italy, had assembled at the Capitol, they all decided that
they should put on mourning garments and defend me in every possible way by
their private resources, since the republic was destitute for the time of
its public leaders. At the same time the senate was assembled in the temple
of Concord, a temple which of itself recalled the recollection of my
consulship, when the whole body in tears addressed this curled consul with
entreaties; for the other rough and fierce-looking one was keeping himself
at home on purpose. With what haughtiness did that filthy
fellow, that pest of the republic, reject the prayers of that most
honourable body, and the tears of the most illustrious citizens. How did
that glutton and devourer of his country scorn me! For why should I say
devourer of his patrimony, which he lost while engaged in some sort of
trade? You, I say,—you, O Roman knights,—you and all
virtuous men changed your garments, and in the cause of my safety threw
yourselves at the feet of that most profligate debauchee. You and your
prayers were alike trampled on by that robber. A man of extraordinary
integrity, magnanimity, wisdom, and firmness, Lucius Ninnius made a motion
to the senate concerning the republic and the senate in a full house passed
a resolution that they should change their garments for my safety.
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