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Who's calling us? Ha! Lyconides! EUNOMIA
Ha! Strobilus, what is the matter? Say. LYCONIDES
'Tis a short matter. MEGADORUS
What is it? STROBILUS
I'm calling you as witnesses. If I bring here a four pound pot full of gold and give it up to Lyconides, Lyconides makes me a free man, and orders me to be my own master. To LYCONIDES. Do you not promise me so? LYCONIDES
I do promise so. STROBILUS
Have you heard now what he has said? MEGADORUS
We have heard. STROBILUS
Swear, then, by Jupiter. LYCONIDES
Alas! to what I am reduced by the misfortunes of others! You are too insulting; still, I'll do what he bids me. STROBILUS
Hark you, our generation hasn't much confidence in people: the documents are signed; the twelve witnesses are present; the registrar writes down the time and the place; and still, the pleader is found to deny that it has been done. LYE.
But release me speedily, please. STROBILUS
Here, take this stone. Giving him a stone. LYCONIDES
If I knowingly deceive you, so may Jupiter reject from me his blessings, the city and citadel safe, as I do this stone. (He throws it. Have I now satisfied you? STROBILUS
I am satisfied; and I'm going to bring the gold. LYCONIDES
Go with the speed of Pegasus, and return devouring the road with your rapid steps. Exit STROBILUS. Any impertinent slave, that wishes to be more wise than his master, is a nuisance to a decent man. Let this Strobilus be off as a free man to utter perdition, if he only brings me the pot full of pure gold, so that I may restore Euclio, my father-in-law, from his grief to joy, and obtain the favour of his daughter, who is just brought to bed by reason of my debauching her. But see! Strobilus is returning, loaded; as I guess, he's bringing the pot; and, for sure, it is the pot that he's carrying.
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