
The text reprinted here is that of Wilhelm Weinberger, from volume 67 of the Vienna Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum.

< = "from"

AG = Allan and Greenough's New Latin Grammar (Boston 1916: often reprinted)

Gruber = J. Gruber, Kommentar zu Boethius De Consolatione Philosophiae (Berlin 1979)

LHS = Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr, Lateinische Grammatik: Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik (Munich 1972)

sc. = scilicet, 'supply'

Passages in the Consolatio are indicated thus: 1M1.9 = Book One, Metrum One, Line 9. 2P6.4 = Book Two, Prosa Six, Section 4.

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