Nero was succeeded by Galba,1 who was not in the remotest degree allied to the family of the Caesars, but, without doubt, of very noble extraction, being descended from a great and ancient family; for he always used to put amongst his other titles, upon the bases of his statues, his being great-grandson to Q. Catulus Capitolinus. And when he came to be emperor, he set up the images of his ancestors in the hall2 of the palace; according to the inscriptions on which, he carried up his pedigree on the father's side to Jupiter; and by the mother's to Pasiphae, the wife of Minos.
1 A.U.C. 821
2 The Atrium, or Aula, was the court or hall of a house, the entrance to which was by the principal door. It appears to have been a large oblong square, surrounded with covered or arched galleries. Three sides of the Atrium were supported by pillars, which, in later times, were marble. The side opposite to the gate was called Tablinum; and the other two sides, Al/. The Tabbnum contained books, and the records of what each member of the family had done in his magistracy. In the Atrnum the nuptial couch was erected; and here the mistress of the family, with her maid-servants wrought at spinning and weaving, which, in the time of the ancient Romans, was their principal employment.
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