1 No abandonment has been previously mentioned, but neglect for many months would have the same effect.
2 B.C. 205
3 He had been censor (XXVII. xi. 7), and already proconsul in Greece before his consulship; cf. XXVIII. xxxviii. 1, note.
4 On the Adriatic, location uncertain, but near the Parthini and Dyrrhachium (Durazzo). Cf. XXXIII. xxxiv. 11; XLIII. xxi. 3; Polybius II. xi. 11; III. xviii. 1, 3; VII. ix. 13 (text of a treaty between Hannibal and Philip).
5 Of. XXVI. xxiv. 8-14.
6 Cf. Vol. VI. p. 303, n. 3; 305, 307; VII. p.95 fin.
7 B.C. 205
8 In Chaonia (northern Epirus), a few miles from the port of Onchesmos, opposite Corcyra (Corfu); Polybius II. v. 3; Strabo VII. vii. 5.
9 The Athamanes (in eastern Epirus, close to the Pindus range; Strabo IX. v. 1) had a king, the neighbouring tribes only στρατηγοί. A peacemaker in 208 B.C. (XXVII. xxx. 4), Amynander allowed Philip to pass through his territory, and thus the Aetolians were obliged to make a separate peace with Macedonia (§ 1).
10 Small places, unknown; probably near Dimallum.
11 Small places, unknown; probably near Dimallum.
12 In northwestern Epirus, in the upper valley of the Aōus river; XXVII. xxx. 13. Allied with Rome in the Illyrian War of 219 B.C., but now subject to Philip.
13 B.C. 205
14 As progenitors of the Romans. Cf. their statement when Lucius Scipio visited Ilium in 190 B.C.; XXXVII. xxxvii. 1 ff.; cf. XXXVIII. xxxix. 10; Herodian I. 11. 3. Early evidence for the Aeneas legend.
15 A king of the Thracians; XXVI. xxiv. 9; XXVII. xxx. 13; XXVIII. v. 7.
16 From 207 to 192 B.C. Successor of Machanidas, who fell in battle three years before this; Polybius XI. xviii. Frequently mentioned by Livy in subsequent books; his death XXXV. xxxv. 19.
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