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The honourable and prosperous voyage of Richard earle of Cornewall, brother to king Henry the third, accompanied with William Longespee earle of Sarisburie, and many other noble men into Syria .

IN the 24. yeere of king Henry the third, Richard earle of Cornwall the kings brother, with a navy of ships sailed into Syria , where in the warres against the Saracens he greatly advanced the part of the Christians. There went over with him the earle of Sarisburie, William Longspee, and William Basset, John Beauchampe, Geoffrey de Lucie, John Nevel, Geoffrey Beauchampe, Peter de Brense, and William Furnivall.

Simon Montfort earle of Leicester went over also the same time: but whereas the earle of Cornwall tooke the sea at Marseils, the earle of Leicester passed thorow Italy , and tooke shipping at Brindize in Apulia : and with him went these persons of name, Thomas de Furnival with his brother Gerard de Furnivall, Hugh Wake, Almerike de S. Aumond, Wiscard Ledet, Punchard de Dewin, and William de Dewin that were brethren, Gerard Pesmes, Fouke de Baugie, and Peter de Chauntenay.

Shortly after also John earle of Albemarle, William Fortis, and Peter de Mallow a Poictouin, men for their valiancy greatly renowmed, went thither, leading with them a great number of Christian souldiers. Matth. Paris . Matth. West. Holesh. pag. 225. col. 2.

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