A declaration of the places from whence the goods subscribed doe come.
- CLOVES, from Maluco, Tarenate, Amboina , by way of Java .
- Nutmegs, from Banda.
- Maces from Banda, Java , and Malacca.
- Pepper Gawrie, from Cochin.
- Pepper common, from Malabar.
- Sinnamon, from Seilan.
- Tinne, from Malacca.
- Sandals wilde, from Cochin.
- Sandales domestick, from Malacca.
- Verzini, from S. Thomas, and from China .
- Spicknard, from Zindi, and Lahor .
- Quicksilver, from China .
- Galls, from Cambaia, Bengala, Istria & Syria .
- Ginger Dabulin, from Dabul.
- Ginger Belledin, from the Countrie within Cambaia.
- Ginger Sorattin, from Sorat within Cambaia.
- Ginger Mordassi, from Mordas within Cambaia.
- Ginger Meckin, from Mecca .
- Mirabolans of all sorts, from Cambaia.
- White sucket from Zindi, Cambaia and China .
- Corcunia, from divers places of India.
- Corall of Levant, from Malabar.
- Chomin, from Balsara.
- Requitria, from Arabia Felix.
- Garble of Nutmegs from Banda.
- Sal Armoniacke, from Zindi and Cambaia.
- Zedoari, from divers places of India.
- Cubeb, from China .
- Amomum, from China .
- Camphora, from Brimeo neere to China .
- Myrrha, from Arabia Felix.
- Costo dulce, from Zindi, and Cambaia.
- Borazo, from Cambaia, and Lahor .
- Asa fetida, from Lahor .
- Waxe, from Bengala.
- Seragni, from Persia.
- Cassia, from Cambaia, and from Gran Cayro.
- Storax calamita, from Rhodes, to say, from Aneda, and Canemarie within Caramania.
- Storax liquida, from Rhodes.
- Tutia, from Persia.
- Cagiers, from Malabar, and Maldiva.
- Ruvia to die withall, from Chalangi.
- Alumme di Rocca, from China , and Constantinople.
- Chopra, from Cochin and Malabar.
- Oppopanax, from Persia.
- Lignum Aloes, from Cochin, China , and Malacca.
- Demnar, from Siacca and Blinton.
- Galangae, from China , Chaul, Goa, & Cochin.
- Laccha, from Pegu , and Balagvate.
- Carabbe, from Almanie.
- Coloquintida, from Cyprus .
- Agaricum, from Alemania .
- Scamonea, from Syria , and Persia.
- Bdellium, from Arabia felix, and Mecca .
- Cardamomum small, from Barcelona .
- Cardamomum great, from Bengala.
- Tamarinda, from Balsara.
- Aloe Secutrina, from Secutra.
- Aloe Epatica, from Pat.
- Safran, from Balsara, and Persia.
- Lignum de China, from China .
- Rhaponticum, from Persia, and Pugia.
- Thus, from Secutra.
- Turbith, from Diu, and Cambaia.
- Nuts of India, from Goa, and other places of India.
- Nux vomica, from Malabar.
- Sanguis Draconis, from Secutra.
- Armoniago, from Persia.
- Spodio di Cana , from Cochin.
- Margaratina, from Balagvate.
- Muske from Tartarie, by way of China .
- Ambrachan, from Melinde, and Mosambique.
- Indico, from Zindi and Cambaia.
- Silkes fine, from China .
- Long pepper, from Bengala and Malacca.
- Latton, from China .
- Momia, from the great Cayro.
- Belzuinum Mandolalo, from Sian , and Baros.
- Belzuinum burned, from Bonnia.
- Castorium, from Almania.
- Corallina, from the red sea.
- Masticke, from Sio.
- Mella , from Romania .
- Oppium, from Pugia, and Cambaia.
- Calamus Aromaticus, from Constantinople.
- Capari, from Alexandria and other places.
- Dates, from Arabia felix, and Alexandria.
- Dictamnum album, from Lombardia .
- Draganti, from Morea .
- Euphorbium, from Barbaria.
- Epithymum, from Candia .
- Sena , from Mecca .
- Gumme Arabike, from Zaffo.
- Grana , from Coronto.
- Ladanum, from Cyprus and Candia .
- Lapis lazzudis, from Persia.
- Lapis Zudassi, from Zaffetto.
- Lapis Spongii is found in sponges.
- Lapis Haematites, from Almanie.
- Manna, from Persia.
- Auripigmentum, from manie places of Turkie.
- Pilatro, from Barbaria.
- Pistaches, from Doria.
- Worme-seede, from Persia.
- Sumack, from Cyprus .
- Sebesten, from Cyprus .
- Galbanum, from Persia.
- Dente d'Abolio, from Melinde, and Mosambique.
- Folium Indicum, from Goa, and Cochin.
- Diasprum viride, from Cambaia.
- Petra Bezzvar, from Tartaria.
- Sarcacolla, from Persia.
- Melleghete, from the West parts.
- Sugo di Requillicie, from Arabia felix.
- Chochenillo, from the West India.
- Rubarbe, from Persia, and China .