Certaine reports of the province of China
learned through
the Portugals there imprisoned, and chiefly by the
relation of Galeotto Perera, a Gentleman of good credit,
that lay prisoner in that Countrey many yeeres. Done
out of Italian into English by Richard Willes.
THIS land of China
is parted into 13. Shires, the which
sometimes were ech one a kingdome by it selfe, but these
many yeeres they have bene all subject unto one King.
Fuquien is made by the Portugals the first Shire, because
there their troubles began, & they had occasion thereby
to know the rest. In this shire be 8. cities, but one
principally more famous then others called Fuquieo, the
other seven are reasonably great, the best knowen whereof
unto the Portugals is Cinceo, in respect of a certaine
haven joyning thereunto, whither in time past they were
wont for marchandise to resort.
Cantan is the second shire, not so great in quantitie,
as well accompted of, both by the king thereof, and also
by the Portugals, for that it lieth neerer unto Malacca
then any other part of China
, and was first discried by the
Portugals before any other shire in that province: this
shire hath in it seven Cities.
Chequeam is the third shire, the chiefest Citie therein
is Donchion, therein also standeth Liampo, with other
13. or 14. boroughes: countrey townes therin are too too
many to be spoken of.
The fourth shire is called Xutiamfu, the principall Citie
thereof is great Pachin, where the King is alwayes resident. In it are fifteene other very great Cities: of other
townes therein, and boroughes well walled and trenched
about, I wil say nothing.
The fift shire hath name Chelim: the great Citie
Nanquin chiefe of other fifteene cities was herein of
ancient time the royall seat of the Chinish kings. From
this shire, & from the aforesaid Chequeam forward bare
rule the other kings, until the whole region became one
The 6. shire beareth the name Quianci, as also the
principal City thereof, wherein the fine clay to make
vessels is wrought. The Portugals being ignorant of this
Countrey, and finding great abundance of that fine clay to
be solde at
Liampo, and that very good cheape, thought
at the first that it had bene made there, howbeit in fine
they perceived that the standing of Quinzi more neere unto
Liampo then to Cinceo or Cantan was the cause of so
much fine clay at
Liampo: within the compasse of Quinci
shire be other 12. cities.
The 7. shire is Quicin, the 8. Quansi, the 9. Confu, the
io. Urnan, the II. Sichiva. In the first hereof there be
16. Cities, in the next 15: how many Townes the other
3. have, wee are ignorant as yet, as also of the proper
names of the 12. and 13. shires, and the townes
This finally may be generally said hereof, that the
greater shires in China
province may bee compared with
mightie kingdomes.
In eche one of these shires bee set Ponchiassini and
Anchiassini, before whom are handled the matters of other
Cities. There is also placed in ech one a Tutan, as you
would say, a governour, and a Chian, that is a visiter, as
it were: whose office is to goe in circuit, and to see justice
exactly done. By these meanes so uprightly things are
ordered there, that it may be worthily accompted one of
the best governed provinces in all the world.
The king maketh alwayes his abode in the great city
Pachin, as much to say in our language, as by the name
thereof I am advertised, the towne of the kingdome.
This kingdome is so large, that under five monethes you
are not able to travaile from the Townes by the Sea
side to the Court, and backe againe, no not under three
monethes in poste at your urgent businesse. The posthorses in this Countrey are litle of body, but swift of
foote. Many doe traveile the greater part of this journey
by water in certaine light barkes, for the multitude of
Rivers commodious for passage from one Citie to another.
The King, notwithstanding the hugenesse of his kingdome, hath such a care thereof, that every Moone (for by
the Moones they reckon their monethes) he is advertised
fully of whatsoever thing happeneth therein, by these
meanes following.
The whole province being divided into shires, and ech
shire having in it one chiefe and principall Citie, whereunto the matters of all the other Cities, Townes and
boroughes, are brought, there are drawen in every chiefe
Citie aforesaid intelligences of such things as doe monethly
fall out, and be sent in writing to the Court. If happely
in one moneth every Post be not able to goe so long a
way, yet doeth there notwithstanding once every moneth
arrive one Poste out of the shire. Who so commeth
before the new moone stayeth for the delivery of his
letters until the moone be changed. Then likewise are
dispatched other Posts backe into all the 13. shires
Before that we doe come to Cinceo wee have to passe
through many places, and some of great importance. For
this Countrey is so well inhabited neere the Sea side, that
you cannot goe one mile but you shal see some Towne,
borough or hostry, the which are so aboundantly provided
of all things, that in the Cities and townes they live
civily. Neverthelesse such as dwel abrode are very poore,
for the multitude of them every where is so great, that
out of a tree you shall see many times swarme a number
of children, where a man would not have thought to have
found any one at all.
From these places in number infinite, you shall come
unto two Cities very populous, and, being compared with
Cinceo, not possibly to be discerned which is the greater
of them. These cities are as well walled as any Cities in
all the world. As you come in to either of them, there
standeth so great and mighty a bridge, that the like
thereof I have never seene in Portugal
nor else where.
I heard one of my fellowes say, that hee tolde in one
bridge 40. arches. The occasion wherefore these bridges
are made so great is, for that the Countrey is toward the
sea very plaine and low, and overflowed ever as the sea
water encreaseth. The breadth of the bridges, although
it bee well proportioned unto the length thereof, yet are
they equally built, no higher in the middle then at either
ende, in such wise that you may see directly from the
one ende to the other: the sides are wonderfully well
engraved after the maner of Rome-workes. But that we
did most marveile at was therewithall the hugenesse of
the stones, the like whereof, as we came in to the Citie,
we did see many set up in places dis-habited by the way,
to no small charges of theirs, howbeit to little purpose,
whereas no body seeth them but such as doe come by.
The arches are not made after our fashion, vauted with
sundry stones set together: but paved, as it were, whole
stones reaching from one piller to an other, in such wise
that they lye both for the arches heads, and galantly serve
also for the high way. I have bene astonied to beholde
the hugenesse of the aforesaid stones : some of them are
xii. pases long and upward, the least 11. good pases long,
and an halfe.
The ways echwhere are galantly paved with fouresquare stone, except it be where for want of stone they
use to lay bricke: in this voyage wee travailed over
certain hilles, where the wayes were pitched, and in
many places no worse paved then in the plaine ground.
This causeth us to thinke, that in all the world there bee
no better workemen for buildings, then the inhabitants
of China
. The Countrey is so well inhabited, that no
one foote of ground is left untilled: small store of cattell
have we seene this day, we saw onely certaine oxen wherewithall the countreymen do plow their ground. One oxe
draweth the plough alone, not onely in this shire, but in
other places also, wherein is greater store of cattell.
These countreymen by arte do that in tillage, which we
are constrained to doe by force. Here be solde the
voydings of close stooles, although there wanteth not the
dung of beastes: and the excrements of man are good
marchandise throughout all China
. The dungfermers
seek in every streete by exchange to buy this durtie ware
for herbs and wood. The custome is very good for
keeping the Citie cleane. There is great aboundance of
hennes, geese, duckes, swine, and goates, wethers have
they none: the hennes are solde by weight, and so are
all other things. Two pound of hennes flesh, geese,
or ducke, is worth two foi of their money, that is,
d.ob.sterling. Swines flesh is sold at a penie the pound.
Beefe beareth the same price, for the scarcitie thereof,
howbeit Northward from Fuquieo and farther off from
the seacoast, there is beefe more plentie and solde better
cheape; We have had in all the Cities we passed through,
great abundance of all these victuals, beefe onely excepted.
And if this Countrey were like unto India, the inhabitants
whereof eate neither henne, beefe, nor porke, but keepe
that onely for the Portugals and Moores, they would be
sold here for nothing. But it so falling out, that the
Chineans are the greatest eaters in all the world, they
do feed upon all things, specially on porke, which, the
fatter it is, is unto them the lesse lothsome. The highest
price of these things aforesaid I have set downe, better
cheape shal you sometimes buy them for the great plentie
thereof in this countrey. Frogs are solde at the same
price that is made of hennes, and are good meate amongst
them, as also dogs, cats, rats, snakes, and all other
uncleane meates.
The Cities be very gallant, specially neere unto the
gates, the which are marveilously great, and covered with
iron. The gatehouses are built on high with towers, &
the lower part thereof is made of bricke & stone, proportionally with the walls, from the walls upward the building
is of timber, and many stories in it one above the other.
The strength of their townes is in the mightie walles and
ditches, artillerie have they none.
The streetes in
Cinceo, and in all the rest of the Cities
we have seene are very faire, so large and so straight,
that it is wonderfull to behold. Their houses are built
with timber, the foundations onely excepted, the which
are layd with stone: in ech side of the streetes are pentises
or continuall porches for the marchants to walke under:
the breadth of the streets is neverthelesse such, that in
them 15. men may ride commodiously side by side. As
they ride they must needs passe under many high arches
of triumph that crosse over the streetes made of timber,
and carved diversly, covered with tiles of fine clay: under
these arches the Mercers do utter their smaller wares, &
such as list to stand there are defended from raine and
the heate of the Sunne. The greater gentlemen have
these arches at their doores: although some of them be
not so mightily built as the rest.
I shall have occasion to speake of a certaine order of
gentlemen that are called Louteas. I wil first therefore
expound what this word signifieth. Loutea is as much
to say in our language as Sir, and when any of them
calleth his name, he answereth Sir: and as we do say,
that the king hath made some gentleman, so say they,
that there is made a Loutea. And for that amongst them
the degrees are divers both in name and office, I will
tell you onely of some principals, being not able to
advertise you of all.
The maner how gentlemen are created Louteas, and
do come to that honour and title, is by the giving of a
broad girdle, not like to the rest, and a cap, at the
commaundement of the king. The name Loutea is more
generall & common unto mo, then the equalitie of honour
thereby signified agreeth withall. Such Louteas as doe
serve their prince in weightie matters for justice, are
created after trial made of their learning: but the other
which serve in smaller affaires, as Captaines, constables,
sergeants by land and sea, receivers and such like, whereof
there be in every citie, as also in this, very many, are
made for favour: the chiefe Louteas are served kneeling.
The whole province of China
is divided, as I have said,
into 13. shires, in every shire at the least is one governour
called there Tutan, in some shires there be two.
Chiefe in office next unto them be certaine other named
Chians, that is, high Commissioners as you would say, or
visiters, with full authoritie in such wise, that they doe
call unto an accompt the Tutans themselves, but their
authoritie lasteth not in any shire longer then one yere.
Neverthelesse in every shire being at the least 7. cities,
yea, in some of them 15. or 16. beside other boroughes
and townes not well to be numbred, these visiters where
they come are so honoured and feared, as though they
were some great princes. At the yeres end, their circuit
done, they come unto that Citie which is chiefe of others
in the shire, to do justice there: finally busying themselves in the searching out of such as are to receive the
order of Louteas, whereof more shalbe said in another
Over and besides these officers, in the cheife City of
ech one of these aforesaid 13. provinces, is resident one
Ponchiassi, Captaine thereof, and treasurer of all the kings
revenues. This Magistrate maketh his abode in one of
the foure greatest houses that be in all these head Cities.
And although the principall part of his function be to
be Captaine, to be treasourer of the revenues in that
province, & to send these revenues at appointed times to
the Court: yet hath he notwithstanding by his office also
to meddle with matters appertaining unto justice.
In the second great house dwelleth an other Magistrate
called Anchiassi, a great officer also, for he hath dealings
in all matters of justice. Who although he be somewhat
inferior in dignitie unto the Ponchiassi, yet for his great
dealings and generall charge of justice, whosoever seeth
the affaires of the one house and the other might judge
this Anchiassi to be the greater.
Tuzi, an other officer so called, lieth in the thirde house,
a magistrate of importance, specially in things belonging
unto warfare, for thereof hath he charge.
There is resident in the 4. house a fourth officer, bearing
name Taissu. In this house is the principall prison of all
the Citie. Ech one of these Magistrates aforesaide may
both lay evill doers in prison, & deliver them out againe,
except ye fact be heinous & of importance: in such a case
they can do nothing, except they do meet al together.
And if the deed deserveth death, all they together cannot
determine thereof, without recourse made unto the Chian
wheresoever hee be, or to the Tutan: and eftsoones it
falleth out, that the case is referred unto higher power.
In all Cities, not onely chiefe in ech shire, but in the rest
also, are meanes found to make Louteas. Many of them
do study at the prince his charges, wherefore at the
yeeres ende they resort unto the head Cities, whither
the Chians doe come, as it hath bene earst saide, as well
to give these degrees, as to sit in judgement over the
The Chians go in circuit every yere, but such as are
to be chosen to the greatest offices meete not but from
three yeeres to three yeeres, and that in certaine large
halles appointed for them to be examined in. Many
things are asked them, whereunto if they doe answere
accordingly, and be found sufficient to take their degree,
the Chian by and by granteth it them: but the Cap and
girdle, whereby they are knowen to be Louteas, they
weare not before that they be confirmed by the king.
Their examination done, and triall made of them, such
as have taken their degree wont to be given them with all
ceremonies, use to banquet and feast many dayes together
(as the Chineans fashion is to ende all their pleasures
with eating and drinking) and so remaine chosen to do
the king service in matters of learning. The other
examinates founde insufficient to proceed are sent backe
to their studie againe. Whose ignorance is perceived to
come of negligence and default, such a one is whipped,
and sometimes sent to prison, where lying that yeere when
this kinde of acte was, we found many thus punished,
and demaunding the cause thereof, they saide it was for
that they knew not how to answere unto certaine things
asked them. It is a world to see how these Louteas are
served and feared, in such wise, that in publike assemblies
at one shrike they give, all the servitors belonging unto
justice tremble thereat. At their being in these places,
when they list to moove, be it but even to the gate, these
servitors doe take them up, and carry them in seates of
beaten gold. After this sort are they borne when they
goe in the City, either for their owne businesse abroade,
or to see ech other at home. For the dignitie they have,
and office they doe beare, they be all accompanied: the
very meanest of them all that goeth in these seates is
ushered by two men at the least, that cry unto the people
to give place, howbeit they neede it not, for that reverence
the common people have unto them. They have also in
their company certaine Sergeants with their Maces either
silvered or altogether silver, some two, some foure, other
sixe, other eight, conveniently for ech one his degree.
The more principal and chiefe Louteas have going orderly
before these Sergeants, many other with staves, and a
great many catchpoules with rods of Indish canes dragged
on the ground, so that the streets being paved, you may
heare afarre off as well the noyse of the rods, as the voyce
of the criers. These fellowes serve also to apprehend
others, and the better to be knowen they weare livery
red girdles, and in their caps peacocks feathers. Behinde
these Louteas come such as doe beare certaine tables
hanged at staves endes, wherein is written in silver letters,
the name, degree, and office of that Loutea, whom they
follow. In like maner they have borne after them hattes
agreeable unto their titles: if the Loutea be meane, then
hath he brought after him but one hat, and that may not
be yealowe: but if he be of the better sort, then may he
have two, three, or foure: the principall and chiefe
Louteas may have all their hats yealow, the which among
them is accompted great honour. The Loutea for warres,
although he be but meane, may notwithstanding have
yealow hats. The Tutans and Chians, when they goe
abroad, have besides all this before them ledde three or
foure horses with their guard in armour.
Furthermore the Louteas, yea and all the people of
, are wont to eate their meate sitting on stooles
at high tables as we doe, and that very cleanely, although
they use neither table-clothes nor napkins. Whatsoever
is set downe upon the boord is first carved before that
it be brought in: they feede with two sticks, refraining
from touching their meate with their hands, even as we
do with forkes : for the which respect they lesse do
neede any table clothes. Ne is the nation only civill
at meate, but also in conversation, and in courtesie they
seeme to exceede all other. Likewise in their dealings
after their maner they are so ready, that they farre passe
all other Gentiles and Moores : the greater states are so
vaine, that they line their clothes with the best silke that
may be found. The Louteas are an idle generation,
without all maner of exercises and pastimes, except it be
eating and drinking. Sometimes they walke abroad in
the fields to make the soldiers shoot at pricks with their
bowes, but their eating passeth: they will stand eating
even when the other do draw to shoot. The pricke is a
great blanket spread on certaine long poles, he that
striketh it, hath of the best man there standing a piece of
crimson Taffata, the which is knit about his head: in this
sort the winners be honoured, and the Louteas with their
bellies full returne home againe. The inhabitants of
be very great Idolaters, all generally doe worship
the heavens: and, as wee are wont to say, God knoweth it:
so say they at every word, Tien Tautee, that is to say,
The heavens doe know it. Some doe worship the Sonne,
and some the Moone, as they thinke good, for none are
bound more to one then to another. In their temples, the
which they do call Meani, they have a great altar in the
same place as we have, true it is that one may goe round
about it. There set they up the image of a certaine
Loutea of that countrey, whom they have in great reverence for certaine notable things he did. At the right hand
standeth the divel much more ugly painted then we doe
use to set him out, whereunto great homage is done by
such as come into the temple to aske counsell, or to draw
lottes: this opinion they have of him, that he is malicious
and able to do evil. If you aske them what they do thinke
of the soules departed, they will answere that they be
immortall, and that as soone as any one departeth out of
this life, he becommeth a divel if hee have lived well in
this world, if otherwise, that the same divel changeth him
into a bufle, oxe, or dogge. Wherefore to this divel they
doe much honour, to him doe they sacrifice, praying him
that he will make them like unto himselfe, and not like
other beastes. They have moreover another sort of
temples, wherein both upon the altars and also on the
walls do stand many idols well proportioned, but bare
headed: these beare name Omithofon, accompted of them
spirits, but such as in heaven do neither good nor evill,
thought to be such men and women as have chastly lived
in this world in abstinence from fish and flesh, fed onely
with rise and salates. Of that divel they make some
accompt: for these spirits they care litle or nothing at all.
Againe they holde opinion that if a man do well in this
life, the heavens will give him many temporall blessings,
but if he doe evil, then shall he have infirmities, diseases,
troubles, and penurie, and all this without any knowledge
of God. Finally, this people knoweth no other thing then
to live and die, yet because they be reasonable creatures,
all seemed good unto them we speake in our language,
though it were not very sufficient: our maner of praying
especially pleased them, and truely they are well ynough
disposed to receive the knowledge of the trueth. Our
Lord grant for his mercy all things so to be disposed, that
it may sometime be brought to passe, that so great a
nation as this is perish not for want of helpe.
Our maner of praying so well liked them, that in prison
importunately they besought us to write for them somewhat as concerning heaven, the which we did to their
contentation wt such reasons as we knew, howbeit not
very cunningly. As they do their idolatry they laugh at
themselves. If at any time this countrey might be joyned
in league with the kingdome of Portugale, in such wise
that free accesse were had to deale with the people there,
they might all be soone converted. The greatest fault we
do finde in them is Sodomie, a vice very common in the
meaner sort, and nothing strange amongst the best. This
sinne were it left of them, in all other things so well
disposed they be, that a good interpreter in a short space
might do there great good: If, as I said, the countrey
were joyned in league with us.
Furthermore the Louteas, with all the people of China
are wont to solemnize the dayes of the new and full
Moones in visiting one an other, and making great
banquets: for to that end, as I earst said, do tend all
their pastimes, and spending their days in pleasure.
They are wont also to solemnize ech one his birth day,
whereunto their kindred and friends do resort of custome,
with presents of jewels or money, receiving againe for
their reward good cheare. They keepe in like maner a
generall feast with great banquets that day their king
was borne. But their most principall and greatest feast
of all, and best cheare, is the first day of their new yeere,
namely the first day of the new Moone of February, so
that their first moneth is March, and they reckon the
times accordingly, respect being had unto the reigne of
their princes: as when any deed is written, they date
it thus, Made such a day of such a moone, and such
a yeere of the reigne of such a king. And their ancient
writings beare date of the yeeres of this or that king.
Now will I speake of the maner which the Chineans
doe observe in doing of justice, that it may be knowen
how farre these Gentiles do herein exceed many Christians,
that be more bounden then they to deale justly and in
trueth. Because the Chinish king maketh his abode continually in the
City Pachin, his kingdome so great, &
the shires so many, as tofore it hath bene said: in it
therefore the governours and rulers, much like unto our
Shiriffes, be appointed so suddenly and speedily discharged
againe, that they have no time to grow naught. Furthermore to keepe the state in more securitie, the Louteas
that governe one shire are chosen out of some other shire
distant farre off, where they must leave their wives,
children and goods, carying nothing with them but themselves. True it is, that at their comming thither they doe
finde in a readinesse all things necessary, their house,
furniture, servants, and all other things in such perfection
and plentie, that they want nothing. Thus the king is
well served without all feare of treason.
In the principall Cities of the shires be foure chiefe
Louteas, before whom are brought all matters of the
inferiour Townes, throughout the whole Realme. Divers
other Louteas have the managing of justice, and receiving
of rents, bound to yeelde an accompt thereof unto the
greater officers. Other do see that there be no evil rule
kept in the Citie: ech one as it behoveth him. Generally
all these doe imprison malefactours, cause them to be
whipped and racked, hoysing them up and downe by
the armes with a cord, a thing very usuall there, and
accompted no shame. These Louteas do use great
diligence in the apprehending of theeves, so that it is a
wonder to see a theefe escape away in any City, towne
or village. Upon the sea neere unto the shoare many
are taken, and looke even as they are taken, so be they
first whipped, and afterward layde in prison, where shortly
after they all die for hunger and cold. At that time
when we were in prison, there died of them above threescore and ten. If happely any one, having the meanes to
get food, do escape, he is set with the condemned persons,
and provided for as they be by the King, in such wise as
hereafter it shalbe said.
Their whips be certaine pieces of canes, cleft in the
middle, in such sort that they seeme rather plaine then
sharpe. He that is to be whipped lieth grovelong on
the ground: upon his thighes the hangman layeth on
blowes mightily with these canes, that the standers by
tremble at their crueltie. Ten stripes draw a great deale
of blood, 20. or 30. spoile the flesh altogether, 50. or
60. will require long time to bee healed, and if they
come to the number of one hundred, then are they
The Louteas observe moreover this: when any man
is brought before them to be examined, they aske him
openly in the hearing of as many as be present, be the
offence never so great. Thus did they also behave themselves with us: For this cause amongst them can there
be no false witnesse, as dayly amongst us it falleth out.
This good commeth thereof, that many being alwayes
about the Judge to heare the evidence, and beare witnesse,
the processe cannot be falsified, as it happeneth sometimes
with us. The Moores, Gentiles, and Jewes have all their
sundry othes, the Moores do sweare by their Mossafos,
the Brachmans by their Fili
, the rest likewise by the
things they do worship. The Chineans though they be
wont to sweare by heaven, by the Moone, by the Sunne,
and by all their Idoles, in judgement neverthelesse they
sweare not at all. If for some offence an othe be used
of any one, by and by with the least evidence he is
tormented, so be the witnesses he bringeth, if they tell
not the trueth, or do in any point disagree, except they
be men of worship and credit, who are beleeved without
any further matter: the rest are made to confesse the
trueth by force of torments and whips. Besides this
order observed of them in examinations, they do feare
so much their King, and he where he maketh his abode
keepeth them so lowe, that they dare not once stirre.
Againe, these Louteas as great as they be, notwithstanding the multitude of Notaries they have, not trusting
any others, do write all great processes and matters of
importance themselves. Moreover one vertue they have
worthy of great praise, and that is, being men so wel
regarded and accompted as though they were princes, yet
they be patient above measure in giving audience. We
poore strangers brought before them might say what we
would, as all to be lyes and fallaces that they did write,
ne did we stand before them with the usuall ceremonies
of that Countrey, yet did they beare with us so patiently,
that they caused us to wonder, knowing specially how
litle any advocate or Judge is wont in our Countrey
to beare with us. For wheresoever in any
Towne of
Christendome should be accused unknowen men as we
were, I know not what end the very innocents cause
would have: but we in a heathen Countrey, having our
great enemies two of the chiefest men in a whole Towne,
wanting an interpreter, ignorant of that Countrey language, did in the end see our great adversaries cast into
prison for our sake, and deprived of their Offices and
honour for not doing justice, yea not to escape death:
for, as the rumour goeth, they shalbe beheaded. Somewhat is now to be said of the lawes that I have bene able
to know in this Countrey, and first, no theft or murther
is at any time pardoned: adulterers are put in prison, and
the fact once proved, are condemned to die, the womans
husband must accuse them: this order is kept with men
& women found in that fault, but theeves and murderers
are imprisoned as I have said, where they shortly die for
hunger and cold. If any one happely escape by bribing
the Gailer to give him meate, his processe goeth further,
and commeth to the Court where he is condemned to die.
Sentence being given, the prisoner is brought in publique
with a terrible band of men that lay him in Irons hand
and foot, with a boord at his necke one handfull broad, in
length reaching downe to his knees, cleft in two parts, and
with a hole one handfull downeward in the table fit for his
necke, the which they inclose up therein, nailing the boord
fast together; one handfull of the boord standeth up
behinde in the necke: The sentence and cause wherefore
the fellon was condemned to die, is written in that part of
the table that standeth before.
This ceremony ended, he is laid in a great prison in the
company of some other condemned persons, the which
are found by the king as long as they do live. The bord
aforesaid so made tormenteth the prisoners very much,
keeping them both from rest, & eke letting them to eat
commodiously, their hands being manacled in irons under
that boord, so that in fine there is no remedy but death.
In the chiefe Cities of every shire, as we have erst said,
there be foure principall houses, in ech of them a prison:
but in one of them, where the Taissu maketh his abode,
there is a greater and a more principal prison then in any
of the rest: and although in every City there be many,
neverthelesse in three of them remaine onely such as be
condemned to die. Their death is much prolonged, for
that ordinarily there is no execution done but once a yeere,
though many die for hunger and cold, as we have seene in
this prison. Execution is done in this maner. The Chian, to wit, the high Commissioner or Lord chiefe
Justice, at the yeres end goeth to the head City, where
he heareth againe the causes of such as be condemned.
Many times he delivereth some of them, declaring ye
boord to have bene wrongfully put about their necks: the
visitation ended, he choseth out seven or eight, not many
more or lesse of the greatest malefactors, the which, to
feare and keepe in awe the people, are brought into a
great market place, where all the great Louteas meete
together, and after many ceremonies and superstitions, as
the use of the Countrey is, are beheaded. This is done
once a yeere: who so escapeth that day, may be sure that
he shall not be put to death all that yeere following, and
so remaineth at the kings charges in the greater prison.
In that prison where we lay were alwayes one hundred and
mo of these condemned persons, besides them that lay in
other prisons.
These prisons wherein the condemned caytifes do
remaine are so strong, that it hath not bene heard, that
any prisoner in all China
hath escaped out of prison, for
in deed it is a thing impossible. The prisons are thus
builded. First all the place is mightily walled about,
the walles be very strong and high, the gate of no lesse
force: within it three other gates, before you come
where the prisoners do lye, there many great lodgings
are to be seene of the Louteas, Notaries, Parthions, that
is, such as do there keepe watch and ward day and night,
the court large and paved, on the one side whereof
standeth a prison, with two mighty gates, wherein are
kept such prisoners as have committed enormious offences.
This prison is so great, that in it are streetes and Market
places wherein all things necessary are sold. Yea some
prisoners live by that kinde of trade, buying and selling,
and letting out beds to hire: some are dayly sent to
prison, some dayly delivered, wherefore this place is never
void of 7. or eight hundred men that go at libertie.
Into one other prison of condemned persons shall you
go at three yron gates, the court paved and vauted round
about, and open above as it were a cloister. In this
cloister be eight roomes with yron doores, and in ech of
them a large gallerie, wherein every night the prisoners
do lie at length, their feet in the stocks, their bodies
hampered in huge wooden grates that keep them from
sitting, so that they lye as it were in a cage, sleepe if they
can: in the morning they are losed againe, that they may
go into the court. Notwithstanding the strength of this
prison, it is kept with a garrison of men, part whereof
watch within the house, part of them in the court, some
keepe about the prison with lanterns and watch-bels
answering one another five times every night, and giving
warning so lowd, that the Loutea resting in a chamber
not neere thereunto, may heare them. In these prisons of
condemned persons remaine some 15, other 20. yeres
imprisoned, not executed, for the love of their honorable
friends that seeke to prolong their lives. Many of these
prisoners be shoomakers, and have from the king a certaine allowance of rise: some of them worke for the
keeper, who suffreth them to go at libertie without fetters
and boords, the better to worke. Howbeit when the
Loutea calleth his checke roll, & with the keeper vieweth
them, they all weare their liveries, that is, boords at their
necks, yronned hand and foot. When any of these
prisoners dieth, he is to be seene of the Loutea and
Notaries, brought out of a gate so narrow, that there can
but one be drawen out there at once. The prisoner being
brought forth, one of the aforesaid Parthions striketh him
thrise on the head with an yron sledge, that done he
is delivered unto his friends, if he have any, otherwise
the king hireth men to cary him to his buriall in the
Thus adulterers and theeves are used. Such as be
imprisoned for debt once knowen, lie there until it be
paied. The Taissu or Loutea calleth them many times
before him by the vertue of his office, who understanding
the cause wherefore they do not pay their debts, appointeth
them a certaine time to do it, within the compasse whereof
if they discharge not their debts being debters in deed,
then they be whipped and condemned to perpetuall
imprisonment : if the creditors be many, and one is to be
paied before another, they do, contrary to our maner,
pay him first of whom they last borrowed, and so
ordinarily the rest, in such sort that the first lender be
the last receiver. The same order is kept in paying
legacies: the last named receiveth his portion first. They
accompt it nothing to shew favour to such a one as
can do the like againe: but to do good to them that
have litle or nothing, that is worth thanks, therefore
pay they the last before the first, for that their intent
seemeth rather to be vertuous then gainefull.
When I said, that such as be committed to prison for
theft and murther were judged by the Court, I ment not
them that were apprehended in the deed doing, for they
need no triall, but are brought immediatly before the
Tutan, who out of hand giveth sentence. Other not
taken so openly, which do need trial, are the malefactors
put to execution once a yere in the chiefe cities, to keepe
in awe the people: or condemned, do remaine in prison,
looking for their day. Theeves being taken are caried to
prison from one place to another in a chest upon mens
shoulders, hired therfore by the king, the chest is 6.
handfuls high, the prisoner sitteth therein upon a bench,
the cover of the chest is two boords, amid them both
a pillery-like hole, for the prisoners necke, there sitteth
he with his head without the chest, and the rest of his
body within, not able to moove or turne his head this
way or that way, nor to plucke it in: the necessities of
nature he voydeth at a hole in the bottome of the chest,
the meate he eateth is put into his mouth by others.
There abideth he day and night during his whole journey:
if happily his porters stumble, or the chest do jogge or
be set downe carelessly, it turneth to his great paines
that sitteth therein, al such motions being unto him
hanging as it were. Thus were our companions caried
from Cinceo, 7. daies journey, never taking any rest as
afterward they told us, & their greatest griefe was to
stay by the way: as soone as they came, being taken
out of the chests, they were not able to stand on their
feet, and two of them died shortly after. When we lay
in prison at
Fuquieo, we came many times abroad, &
were brought to the pallaces of noble men, to be seene
of them & their wives, for that they had never seene any
Portugale before. Many things they asked us of our
Country, and our fashions, & did write every thing, for
they be curious in novelties above measure. The gentlemen shew great courtesie unto strangers, and so did we
finde at their hands, and because that many times we
were brought abroad into the City, somewhat wil I say
of such things as I did see therein, being a gallant City,
and chiefe in one of the 13. shires aforesaid. The City Fuquieo is very great, & mightily walled with square
stone both within and without, and, as it may seeme
by the breadth therof, filled up in the middle with earth,
layd over with brick & covered with tyle, after the maner
of porches or galleries, that one might dwel therein. The
staires they use are so easily made, that one may go
them up and downe a hors-backe, as eftsoones they do:
the streets are paved, as already it hath bin said: there
be a great number of Marchants, every one hath written
in a great table at his doore such things as he hath to
sel. In like maner every artisane painteth out his craft:
the market places be large, great abundance of al things
there be to be sold. The city standeth upon water, many
streames run through it, the banks pitched, & so broad
that they serve for streets to the cities use. Over the
streams are sundry bridges both of timber & stone, which
being made level with the streets, hinder not the passage
of the barges too and fro, the chanels are so deepe.
Where the streames come in and go out of the city, be
certaine arches in the wal, there go in and out their Parai,
that is a kind of barges they have, & that in the day time
only: at night these arches are closed up with gates, so
do they shut up al the gates of the City. These streames
and barges do ennoblish very much the City, and make
it as it were to seeme another Venice
. The buildings
are even, wel made, high, not lofted, except it be some
wherein marchandize is laid. It is a world to see how
great these cities are, and the cause is, for that the houses
are built even, as I have said, & do take a great deale
of roome. One thing we saw in this city that made us
al to wonder, and is worthy to be noted: namely, over
a porch at the comming in to one of the aforesaid 4.
houses, which the king hath in every shire for his governors, as I have erst said, standeth a tower built upon
40. pillers, ech one whereof is but one stone, ech one
40. handfuls or spans long: in bredth or compasse 12,
as many of us did measure them. Besides this, their
greatnesse is such in one piece, that it might seeme
impossible to worke them: they be moreover cornered,
and in colour, length and breadth so like, that the one
nothing differeth from the other. This thing made us all
to wonder very much.
We are wont to cal this country China
, and the people
Chineans, but as long as we were prisoners, not hearing
amongst them at any time that name, I determined to
learne how they were called: and asked sometimes by
them thereof, for that they understood us not when we
called them Chineans, I answered them, that al the inhabitants of India named them Chineans, wherefore I praied
them that they would tel me, for what occasion they
are so called, whether peradventure any city of theirs
bare that name. Hereunto they alwayes answered me,
yt they have no such name, nor ever had. Then did I
aske them what name the whole Country beareth, & what
they would answere being asked of other nations what
countrymen they were? It was told me that of ancient
time in this country had bin many kings, & though
presently it were al under one, ech kingdom nevertheles
enjoyed that name it first had, these kingdomes are the
provinces I spake of before. In conclusion they said, that
the whole country is called Tamen, & the inhabitants
Tamegines, so that this name China
or Chineans, is not
heard of in yt country. I thinke that the neernesse of
another province therabout called Cochinchina, & the
inhabitants therof Cochinesses, first discovered before
was, lying not far from Malacca, did give occasion
to ech of the nations, of that name Chineans, as also
the whole country to be named China
. But their proper
name is that aforesaid.
I have heard moreover that in the
City of Nanquim
remaineth a table of gold, and in it written a kings name,
as a memory of that residence the kings were wont to
keepe there. This table standeth in a great pallace,
covered alwayes, except it be on some of their festivall
dayes, at what time they are wont to let it be seene,
covered neverthelesse as it is, all the nobilitie of the City
going of duetie to doe it every day reverence. The like
is done in the head Cities of all the other shires in the
pallaces of the Ponchiassini, wherein these aforesaid tables
doe stand with the kings name written in them, although
no reverence be done thereunto but in solemne feastes.
I have likewise understood that the
City Pachin, where
the king maketh his abode, is so great, that to go
from one side to the other, besides the Suburbs, the
which are greater then the City it selfe, it requireth one
whole day a horseback, going hackney pase. In the
suburbs be many wealthy marchants of all sorts. They
told me furthermore that it was moted about, and in the
motes great store of fish, whereof the king maketh great
It was also told me that the king of China had no
king to wage battel withall, besides the Tartars, with
whom he had concluded a peace more then 80. yeres ago.
Neverthelesse their friendship was not so great, that the
one nation might marry with the other. And demanding
with whom they married, they said, that in olde time
the Chinish kings when they would marry their daughters,
accustomed to make a solemne feast, whereunto came
all sorts of men. The daughter that was to be married,
stood in a place where she might see them all, and looke
whom she liked best, him did she chuse to husband, and
if happely he were of a base condition, hee became by
and by a gentleman: but this custome hath bene left long
since. Now a dayes the king marrieth his daughters at
his owne pleasure, with great men of the kingdome : the
like order he observeth in the marriage of his sonnes.
They have moreover one thing very good, and that
which made us all to marveile at them being Gentiles:
namely, that there be hospitals in all their Cities, alwayes
full of people, we never saw any poore body begge. We
therefore asked the cause of this : answered it was, that
in every City there is a great circuit, wherein be many
houses for poore people, for blinde, lame, old folke, not
able to travaile for age, nor having any other meanes
to live. These folke have in the aforesaid houses ever
plentie of rice during their lives, but nothing else. Such
as be received into these houses, come in after this maner.
When one is sicke, blinde or lame, he maketh a supplication to the Ponchiassi, and proving that to be true he
writeth, he remaineth in the aforesaid great lodging as
long as he liveth: besides this they keepe in these places
swine and hennes, whereby the poore be relieved without
going a begging.
I said before that China
was full of rivers, but now
I minde to confirme the same anew: for the farther we
went into the Countrey, the greater we found the rivers.
Sometimes we were so farre off from the sea, that where
we came no sea fish had bene seene, and salt was there
very deare, of fresh water fish yet was there great abundance, and that fish very good: they keep it good after
this maner. Where the rivers do meete, and so passe
into the sea, there lieth great store of boats, specially
where no salt-water commeth, and that in March and
April. These boates are so many that it seemeth wonder
full, ne serve they for other then to take small fish.
By the rivers sides they make leyres of fine and strong
nettes, that lye three handfuls under water, and one above
to keepe and nourish their fish in, untill such time as
other fishers do come with boates, bringing for that purpose certaine great chests lined with paper, able to holde
water, wherein they cary their fish up and downe the
river, every day renuing the chest with fresh water, and
selling their fish in every City, towne and village where
they passe, unto the people as they neede it: most of
them have net leyres to keepe fish in alwayes for their
provision. Where the greater boates cannot passe any
further forward, they take lesser, and because the whole
Countrey is very well watered, there is so great plenty
of divers sorts of fish, that it is wonderfull to see:
assuredly we were amazed to behold the maner of their
provision. Their fish is chiefly nourished with the dung
of Bufles and oxen, that greatly fatteth it. Although I
said their fishing to be in March and April at what time
we saw them do it, neverthelesse they told us that they
fished at all times, for that usually they do feed on fish,
wherefore it behoveth them to make their provision continually.
When we had passed Fuquien, we went into Quicin
shire, where the fine clay vessell is made, as I said before:
and we came to a City, the one side whereof is built
upon the foote of a hill, whereby passeth a river navigable: there we tooke boat, and went by water toward
the Sea: on ech side of the river we found many Cities,
Townes and villages, wherein we saw great store of marchandize, but specially of fine clay: there did we land by
the way to buy victuals and other necessaries. Going
downe this river Southward, we were glad that wee drew
neere unto a warmer Countrey, from whence we had
bene farre distant: this Countrey we passed through in
eight dayes, for our journey lay downe the streame.
Before that I doe say any thing of that shire we came
into, I will first speake of the great
City of Quicin,
wherein alwayes remaineth a Tutan, that is a governour,
as you have seene, though some Tutans do governe two
or three shires.
That Tutan that was condemned for our cause, of
whom I spake before, was borne in this Countrey, but
he governed Foquien shire: nothing it availed him to
be so great an officer. This Countrey is so great, that
in many places where we went, there had bene as yet
no talke of his death, although he were executed a whole
yere before. At the Citie Quanchi whither we came, the
river was so great that it seemed a Sea, though it were
so litle where we tooke water, that we needed small boats.
One day about 9. of the clocke, beginning to row neere
the walls with the streame, we came at noone to a bridge
made of many barges, overlinked al together with two
mightie cheines. There stayed we untill it was late, but
we saw not one go either up thereon or downe, except
two Louteas that about the going downe of the Sunne,
came and set them downe there, the one on one side, the
other on the other side. Then was the bridge opened
in many places, and barges both great and small to the
number of sixe hundred began to passe: those that went
up the streame at one place, such as came downe at an
other. When all had thus shot the bridge, then was it
shut up againe. We heare say that every day they take
this order in all principall places of marchandize, for
paying of the Custome unto the king, specially for salt,
whereof the greatest revenues are made that the king
hath in this Countrey. The passages of the bridge where
it is opened, be so neere the shoare, that nothing can
passe without touching the same. To stay the barges
at their pleasure, that they goe no further forward, are
used certaine iron instruments. The bridge consisteth
of 112. barges, there stayed we untill the evening that
they were opened, lothsomely oppressed by the multitude
of people that came to see us, so many in number, that
we were enforced to go aside from the banke untill such
time as the bridge was opened: howbeit we were neverthelesse thronged about with many boates full of people.
And though in other Cities and places where we went,
the people came so importunate upon us, that it was
needfull to withdraw our selves: yet were we here much
more molested for the number of people: & this bridge
is the principall way out of the Citie unto another place
so wel inhabited, that were it walled about, it might be
compared to the Citie. When we had shot the bridge,
we kept along the Citie until it was night, and then met
we with an other river that joyned with this, we rowed
up that by the walls untill we came to another bridge
gallantly made of barges, but lesser a great deale then
that other bridge over the greater streame: here stayed
we that night, and other two dayes with more quiet,
being out of the preasse of the people. These rivers do
meet without at one corner point of the City. In either
of them were so many barges great and small, that we
all thought them at the least to be above three thousand:
the greater number thereof was in the lesser river, where
we were. Amongst the rest here lay certaine greater
vessels, called in their language Parai, that serve for the
Tutan, when he taketh his voyage by other rivers that
joyne with this, towards Pachin, where the king maketh
his abode. For, as many times I have erst said, all this
Countrey is full of rivers. Desirous to see those Parai
we got into some of them, where we found some chambers
set foorth with gilded beds very richly, other furnished
with tables and seats, and all other things so neat and
in perfection, that it was wonderfull.
Quiacim shire, as farre as I can perceive, lieth upon,
the South. On that side we kept at our first entry thereinto, travayling not farre from the high mountaines wesaw there. Asking what people dwelleth beyond those
mountaines, it was tolde me that they be theeves & men
of a strange language. And because that unto sundry
places neere this river the mountaines doe approch,
whence the people issuing downe do many times great
harme, this order is taken at the entry into Quiacim shire.
To guard this river whereon continually go to & fro
Parai great & small fraught with salt, fish poudred with
peper, and other necessaries for that countrey, they do
lay in divers places certaine Parai, and great barges
armed, wherin watch and ward is kept day and night
on both sides of the river, for the safety of the passage,
& securitie of such Parai as do remaine there, though
the travailers never go but many in company. In every
rode there be at the least thirtie, in some two hundred
men, as the passage requireth. This guard is kept
usually untill you come to the
City Onchio, where continually the Tutan of this shire, and eke of Cantan, maketh
his abode. From that City upward, where the river
waxeth more narrow, and the passage more dangerous,
there be alwayes armed one hundred and fiftie Parai, to
accompany other vessels fraught with marchandize, and
all this at the Kings charges. This seemed to me one
of the strangest things I did see in this Countrey.
When we lay at
Fuquien, we did see certaine Moores,
who knew so litle of their secte, that they could say
nothing else but that Mahomet was a Moore
, my father
was a Moore
, and I am a Moore
, with some other wordes
of their Alcoran, wherewithal, in abstinence from swines
flesh, they live untill the divel take them all. This when
I saw, & being sure that in many Chinish Cities the
reliques of Mahomet are kept, as soone as we came to
the City where these fellowes be, I enfourmed my selfe
of them, and learned the trueth.
These Moores, as they tolde me, in times past came
in great ships fraught with marchandise from Pachin
ward, to a port granted unto them by the king, as hee
is wont to all them that traffique into this Countrey,
where they being arrived at a litle Towne standing in
the havens mouth, in time converted unto their sect the
greatest Loutea there. When that Loutea with all his
family was become Moorish, the rest began likewise to
doe the same. In this part of China
the people be at
libertie, every one to worship and folow what him liketh
best. Wherefore no body tooke heede thereto, untill such
time as the Moores perceiving that many followed them
in superstition, and that the Loutea favoured them, they
began to forbid wholy the eating of swines flesh. But
all these countreymen and women chosing rather to forsake father and mother, then to leave off eating of porke,
by no meanes would yeeld to that proclamation. For
besides the great desire they all have to eate that kinde
of meate, many of them do live thereby: and therefore
the people complained unto the Magistrates, accusing
the Moores of a conspiracie pretended betwixt them and
the Loutea against their king. In this countrey, as no
suspition, no not one traiterous word is long borne withall,
so was the king speedily advertised thereof, who gave
commandement out of hand that the aforesaid Loutea
should be put to death, and with him the Moores of most
importance: the other to be layde first in prison, and
afterward to be sent abroad into certaine Cities, where
they remained perpetuall slaves unto the king. To this
City came by happe men and women threescore and odde,
who at this day are brought to five men and foure women,
for it is now twenty yeeres since this happened. Their
offspring passeth the number of two hundreth, and they
in this City, as the rest in other Cities whither they were
sent, have their Moscheas, whereunto they all resort every
Friday to keepe their holy day. But, as I thinke, that
will no longer endure, then whiles they doe live that
came from thence, for their posteritie is so confused, that
they have nothing of a Moore
in them but abstinence
from swines flesh, and yet many of them doe eate thereof
privily. They tell mee that their native Countrey hath
name Camarian, a firme land, wherein be many kings,
and the Indish countrey well knowen unto them. It may
so be: for as soone as they did see our servants (our
servants were Preuzaretes) they judged them to be
Indians: many of their wordes sounded upon the Persian
tongue, but none of us coulde understand them. I asked
them whether they converted any of the Chinish nation
unto their secte: they answered mee, that with much a
doe they converted the women with whom they doe marry,
yeelding me no other cause thereof, but the difficultie
they finde in them to be brought from eating swines flesh
and drinking of wine. I am perswaded therefore, that if
this Countrey were in league with us, forbidding them
neither of both, it would be an easie matter to draw
them to our Religion, from their superstition, whereat
they themselves do laugh when they do their idolatry.
I have learned moreover that the Sea, whereby these
Moores that came to China
were wont to travaile, is a
very great gulfe, that falleth into this Countrey out from
Tartaria and Persia, leaving on the other side all the
Countrey of China, and land of the Mogores, drawing
alwayes toward the South: and of all likelyhood it is
even so, because that these Moores, the which we have
seene, be rather browne then white, whereby they shewe
themselves to come from some warmer Countrey then
is neere to Pachin, where the rivers are frosen in
the Winter for colde, and many of them so vehemently,
that carts may passe over them.
We did see in this Citie many Tartars, Mogores,
Brames, and Laoynes, both men and women. The
Tartars are men very white, good horsemen and archers,
confining with China
on that side where Pachin standeth,
separated from thence by great mountaines that are
betwixt these kingdomes. Over them be certaine wayes
to passe, and for both sides, Castles continually kept
with Souldiers: in time past the Tartars were wont
alwayes to have warres with the Chineans, but these
fourescore yeeres past they were quiet, untill the second
yeere of our imprisonment. The Mogores be in like
maner white, and heathen, we are advertised that of one
side they border upon these Tartars, and confine with
the Persian Tartars on the other side, whereof wee sawe
in them some tokens, as their maner of clothes, and that
kinde of hat the Saracens doe weare. The Moores
affirmed, that where the king lyeth, there be many Tartars
and Mogores, that brought into China
certaine blewes
of great value: all we thought it to be Vanil of Cambaia
wont to be sold at Ormus. So that this is the true
situation of that Countrey, not in the North-parts, as
many times I have heard say, confining with Germanie.
As for the Brames we have seene in this city Chenchi
certaine men & women, amongst whom there was one
that came not long since, having as yet her haire tied
up after the Pegues fashion: this woman, and other mo
with whom a black Moore
damsel in our company had
conference, and did understand them wel ynough, had
dwelt in Pegu
. This new come woman, imagining that
we ment to make our abode in that citie, bid us to be
of good comfort, for that her countrey was not distant
from thence above five dayes journey, and that out of
her countrey there lay a high way for us home into our
owne. Being asked the way, she answered that the
first three daies the way lieth over certaine great mountaines & wildernesse, afterward people are met withall
againe. Thence two dayes journey more to the Brames
countrey. Wherefore I doe conclude, that Chenchi is
one of the confines of this kingdome, separated by certaine
huge mountaines, as it hath bene alreadie said, that lie
out towards the South. In the residue of these mountaines
standeth the province of Sian
, the Laoyns countrey,
Camboia, Campaa, and Cochinchina.
This citie chiefe of other sixteene is situated in a
pleasant plaine abounding in all things necessarie, sea-fish
onely excepted, for it standeth farre from the sea: of
fresh fish so much store, that the market places are never
emptie. The walles of this city are very strong and
high: one day did I see the Louteas thereof go upon
the walles to take the view thereof, borne in their seates
which I spake of before, accompanied with a troupe of
horsemen that went two and two: It was tolde me they
might have gone three & three. We have seene more
over, that within this aforesayd Citie the king hath moe
then a thousande of his kinne lodged in great pallaces,
in divers partes of the Citie: their gates be redde, and
the entrie into their houses, that they may be knowen,
for that is the kings colour. These Gentlemen, according
to their neerenesse in blood unto the king, as soone as
they be married receive their place in honour: this place
neither increaseth nor diminisheth in any respect as long
as the king liveth, the king appointeth them their wives
and familie, allowing them by the moneth all things
necessarie abundantly, as he doth to his governours of
shires and Cities, howbeit, not one of these hath as long
as he liveth any charge or governement at all. They
give themselves to eating and drinking, and be for the
most part burly men of bodie, insomuch that espying
any one of them whom we had not seene before, we might
knowe him to be the King his cosin. They be neverthelesse very pleasant, courteous, and faire conditioned:
neither did we find, all the time wee were in that citie,
so much honour and good intertainement any where as
at their hands. They bid us to their houses to eate and
drinke, and when they found us not, or we were not
willing to go with them, they bid our servants and slaves,
causing them to sit downe with the first. Notwithstanding the good lodging these Gentlemen have, so commodious that they want nothing, yet are they in this
bondage, that during life they never goe abroad. The
cause, as I did understand, wherefore the king so useth
his cosins is, that none of them at any time may rebell
against him: and thus he shutteth them up in three or
foure other cities. Most of them can play on the Lute,
and to make that kinde of pastime peculiar unto them
onely, all other in the cities where they doe live be forbidden that instrument, the Curtisans and blinde folke
onely excepted, who be musicians and can play.
This king furthermore, for the greater securitie of his
Realme and the avoyding of tumults, letteth not one in
all his countrey to be called Lord, except he be of his
blood. Manie great estates and governours there be,
that during their office are lodged Lordlike, and doe beare
the port of mightie Princes: but they be so many times
displaced and other placed a new, that they have not the
time to become corrupt. True it is that during their
office they be well provided for, as afterward also lodged
at the kings charges, and in pension as long as they live,
payed them monethly in the cities where they dwell by
certaine officers appointed for that purpose. The king
then is a Lord onely, not one besides him as you have
seene, except it be such as be of his blood. A Nephew
likewise of the king, the kings sisters sonne, lyeth continually within the walles of the citie in a strong pallace
built Castlewise, even as his other cousins do, remayning
alwayes within doores, served by Eunuches, never dealing
with any matters. On their festivall dayes, new moones,
& full moones the magistrates make great bankets, and
so do such as be of the king his blood. The kings
Nephew hath to name Vanfuli, his pallace is walled about,
the wall is not high, but foure-square, and in circuit
nothing inferiour to the wals of Goa, the outside is
painted red, in every square a gate, and over each gate
a tower made of timber excellently well wrought: before
the principall gate of the foure that openeth into the
high streete no Loutea, be he never so great, may passe
on horsebacke, or carried in his seat. Amidst this quadrangle standeth the pallace where that Nobleman lyeth,
doubtlesse worth the sight, although we came not in to
see it. By report the roofes of the towers and house
are glased greene, & the greater part of the quadrangle
set with savage trees, as Okes, Chestnuts, Cypresse,
Pineapples, Cedars, and other such like that we do want,
after the manner of a wood, wherein are kept Stags,
Oxen, and other beasts, for that Lord his recreation never
going abroad as I have sayd. One preheminence this
citie hath above the rest where we have bene, & that of
right, as we do thinke, that besides the multitude of
market places wherein all things are to be sold through
every streete continually are cryed all things necessary,
as flesh of all sortes, freshfish, hearbes, oyle, vineger,
meale, rise: in summa, all things so plentifully, that many
houses neede no servants, every thing being brought to
their doores. Most part of the marchants remaine in
the suburbes, for that the cities are shut up every night,
as I have sayd. The marchants therefore, the better to
attend their businesse, do chuse rather to make their
abode without in the suburbes then within the citie. I
have seene in this river a pretie kinde of fishing, not
to be omitted in my opinion, and therefore I will set it
downe. The king hath in many rivers good store of
barges full of sea-crowes that breede, are fedde and doe
die therein, in certaine cages, allowed monethly a certaine
provision of rise. These barges the king bestoweth upon
his greatest magistrates, giving to some two, to some
three of them as he thinketh good, to fish therewithall
after this manner. At the houre appointed to fish, all
the barges are brought together in a circle, where the
river is shalow, and the crowes tyed together under the
wings are let leape downe into the water, some under,
some above, woorth the looking upon: each one as he
hath filled his bagge, goeth to his own barge and
emptieth it, which done, he returneth to fish againe.
Thus having taken good store of fish, they set the crowes
at libertie, and do suffer them to fish for their owne
pleasure. There were in that citie where I was, twentie
barges at the least of these aforesayd crowes. I went
almost every day to see them, yet could I never be
throughly satisfied to see so strange a kind of fishing.