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An excellent ruttier for the Islands of the West Indies, and for Tierra firma, and Nueva Espanna.

IF a man depart from the barre of S. Lucar in Summer time, hee must steere Southwest until hee hath sight of Punta de Naga, which is in the Isle of Tenerif. The markes to know it be these. An high point sloping to the sea, & at the Easter point it hath two down falles like particions, and they shew to be separated from the maine of the Island & stand in 28 degrees & a halfe. And if thou wilt have sight of the Grand Canaria, and findest thy selfe with Punta de Naga, thou shalt then steere Southwest and by South, and so thou shalt have sight of Canaria which standeth in 28 degrees. And thou must come to ankor on the Southeast side of the Island. But I advise thee, if it be in winter time, that thou keepe another course, and that as followeth.

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