1117. An. Reg. 18. Rome, with frée authoritie to execute the office of the popes legat in England: which seemed Anselme the popes Legat. The bishop of Canturburie goth to Rome. a thing right strange to the English clergie. Wherefore the bishop of Canturburie, to preuent other inconueniences likelie to insue, tooke vpon him to go vnto Rome, to vnderstand the popes pleasure concerning the truth and certeintie of this matter, and to require him in no wise to diminish the authoritie or to extenuat the prerogatiue of his sée of Canturburie, which hitherto vsed to determine all causes rising in his prouince.
This said archbishop came to Rome, but finding not the pope there, he sent messengers with letters vnto him, then lieng sicke at Beneuento, and obteined a fauourable answer, wherewith returning towards England, he came to the king at Roan (where he had left him at his setting foorth forward) certifieng him how he had sped in this voiage. The forsaid Anselme was also staid by the king at Roan, and could not be suffered to passe ouer into England all that time, till it might be vnderstood by the returne of the archbishop, what the popes pleasure should be further in that matter. Shortlie after whose Pope Gelasius succéeded pop Paschall. repaire to the king, word was brought that pope Paschall was departed this life, and that Gelasius the second was elected in his place. This Gelasius (to auoid the dangers that
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