In the yeare next ensuing, the twentith of October, Rafe archbishop of Canturburie departed this life, after he had ruled that see the space of 8. yeares, in whose roome 13. Kalends of Nouember. An. Reg. 23. succéeded one William archbishop, who was in number the eight and twentith from Augustine. Moreouer, Henrie the sonne of earle Blois, who before was abbat of Glastenburie, was now made bishop of Winchester, a man for his singular bountie, gentlenesse and modestie greatlie beloued of the English.
But to returne to the affaires of the king. It chanced about this time, that the parts beyond the sea being now void of a gouernour (as they suppose) by meanes of the death of the kings sonne) began to make commotions. Soone after it came also to passe that
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