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ARGAMUM (Dolojman) Dobrudja, Romania.

First Greek colony in Dobrudja mentioned by an ancient source (Hekataios of Miletos, 6th-5th c.). Also mentioned in the centuriation of the rural territory of Istria (A.D. 100) under Manius Laberius Maximus, governor of Moesia Inferior, and by Procopius of Caesarea. The late Roman circuit wall (4th-6th c.) and two Christian basilicas (6th c.) were uncovered during the archaeological excavations.


Procop. De aed. 4.11.20.

P. Nicorescu, “Les basiliques byzantines de Dolojman,” Bulletin de la Section Historique de l'Académie Roumaine 25.1 (1944) 95-101; D. M. Pippidi, Contribuţii la istoria veche a României (2d ed. 1967) 353, 363, 369; TIR, L. 35 (1969) s.v.; M. Coja, “Cercetări pe malul lacului Razelm, epoca romană şi romano-bizantină,” Peuce 2 (1971) 179-90; id., BMI 41.3 (1972) 33-42.


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