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BINGERBRÜCK Rhineland Palatinate, Germany.

A large Roman necropolis opposite Bingen was uncovered during the construction of the railway station. The many military gravestones (today in the museums at Bad Kreuznach and Wiesbaden) covered graves with burial urns and sarcophagi, indicating that the necropolis was used from the 1st c. A.D. to the 4th. The Breucus gravestone (Bad Kreuznach Museum) records the action of Pannonian troops in the province of Germania Superior. (See also Bingium.)


E. Schmidt, “Römische Grabdenkmäler vom Ruppertsberg bei Bingen,” BonnJbb 28 (1860) 79-83; id., “Neue römische Inschriften vom Ruppertsberg bei Bingen,” BonnJbb 29-30 (1860) 205-23, pl. III; G. Behrens, Bingen (1920) 120-52.


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