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KERAME (Vionnos) Haghios Vasilios, Crete.

Twenty-five km W of Timbaki, a Classical and Hellenistic city. Traces of Minoan, Geometric, and archaic occupation of the site have been found, but the most extensive settlement and most of the visible remains belong to the 5th to the 3d c. B.C. An inscription from the site, assigned to the late 4th c. B.C., carries the implication that the city was at that time an independent state.

The city was situated on a small hill and the E slopes below it and, to judge from surviving house and terrace walls, covered an area of about 1.5 hectares. The defenses of the city are still clearly visible on the N side, where a massive wall 3 m thick runs straight for over 100 m. From it project two semicircular towers, each about 6 m in diameter and 40 m apart. At the W end of the wall is another circular tower, twice the size of the central towers, while the E corner tower is rectangular in shape and of a different build.


M. Guarducci, ICr II (1939) 310f; E. Kirsten, in F. Matz, Forschungen auf Kreta 1942 (1951) 124-26; M.S.F. Hood & P. Warren, “Ancient Sites in the Province of Ayios Vasilios, Crete,” BSA 61 (1964) 173-74.


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