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SALINS Jura, France.

A large oppidum in a region rich in salt and iron deposits that have been worked since prehistoric times. Known today as the Camp du Château, it flourished during the Late Bronze Age and up to the end of Iron Age I. Gray pottery with wavy decoration (Phokaian) and several fragments of red-figure and black-figure Attic vases have been found.


M. Piroutet & J. Déchelette, “Découverte de vases grecs dans un oppidum hallstattien du Jura,” RA (1909) fasc. 1, 193ff; id., La citadelle hallstattienne à poteries helléniques de Château sur Salins, Vo Congrès international d'archéologie (1930) 1-40; M. Dayet, “Recherches archéologiques au camp du Château (Salins),” Revue Archeologique de l'Est 18 (1967) 52-106.


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