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A Greek settlement on the S coast of the Sea of Azov, 20 km E of Phanagonia. Founded in the 6th c. B.C., probably by Greek colonists from Phanagonia (Strab. 11.2.4), the settlement has been almost completely destroyed by the sea.

In the 1st c. B.C. the city was ringed with a brick wall and became a fortification within a general defensive system set up by the Bosporan state against Rome. Destroyed in the 1st c. A.D., it survived to the 3d c. and was then laid waste by the Getae.

The necropolis (5th c. B.C-3d c. A.D.), contains tumulus tombs with a dromos and burial chamber cut in the earth. There is no stone work. The archaeological finds made here are richer than those in the city: red-figured Attic lekythoi, jewelry of gold and bronze (ring representing Eros and Psyche). Among the terracottas is one showing Aphrodite and Priapos, another showing Aphrodite with a dolphin; some plaster Gorgon masks probably served to decorate the sarcophagus. The Pushkin Museum, Moscow, contains material from the site.


A. K. Korovina, “Raskopki nekropolia Tiramby v 1959 g.,” KSIA 89 (1962) 70-73; id., “Drevniaia Tiramba,” VDI (1963) 3.126-31; id., “Tiramba (gonodishche i nekropol'): Itog arkheologicheskii rabot ekspeditsii GMII za 1959, 1961-1963 i 1965 gody,” Soobshcheniia Gosudarstvennogo Muzeia izobrazitel'nykh iskusstv imeni A. S. Pushkina 4 (1968) 54-84.


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