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"As never Euphronios"

Euthymides' most famous inscription appears on an amphora in Munich (Munich 2307;

):1 it reads [επιγ-ρουγη]ΟΣΟΥΔΕΠΟΤΕΕΥΦΡΟΝΙΟΝ. Beazley took this "as never Euphronios" to be a light-hearted challenge to a comrade, while others saw it as a cry of senile jealousy. More recently it has been suggested that the words mean something like "Euphronios never revelled like us", since the three figures on this side of the vases are komasts.2 Whether the words indicate occupational rivalry or a humorous taunt, they demonstrate again the close personal and professional interrelationships of the Pioneer vase-painters.

1 ARV2, 26, 1 and 1620; Para., 323; Beazley Addenda 2, 155-156.

2 See G. Neumann, "Zu einige Beischriften auf Münchner Vasen," AA 1977, 38-43; H. Engelmann, " 'Wie nie Euphronios'," ZPE 68, 1987, 129-133.

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