the early name of the western part of that spur from the
Esquiline plateau, to all of which the name MONS OPPIUS (q.v.) was
afterwards usually applied. This is the part of the hill now dominated
by S. Pietro in Vincoli, where the arx of the earliest settlement was
probably situated.
1 Fagutal is a substantive form from fagutalis (Varro,
LL v. 152:
Fagutal a fago unde etiam Iovis Fagutalis quod ibi sacellum;
NH xvi. 37:
Fagutali Iove etiam nunc ubi lucus fageus fuit;
vi. 452;
Solin. i. 26 2), and was given to this hill because of the beech
trees, the lucus Fagutalis, that covered it, some of which were standing
at the end of the republic. Fagutal seems also to have been used of the
shrine of Jupiter itself (Fest. 87:
Fagutal sacellum Iovis in quo fuit
fagus arbor quae Iovis sacra habebatur). The exact relation of Oppius
and Fagutal is not clear, for while there is a distinct differentiation between
the two in the description of the Septimontium (Fest. 341, 348). this
separation is not so definite in the list of the Argei (Varro,
LL v. 50).
Probably Fagutal came to be regarded merely as one part of the Oppius,
and was perhaps largely displaced in popular usage by
CARINAE (q.v.),
which seems originally to have designated only the extreme south-west
edge of the hill (HJ 255-256; Mon.
L. xv. 782-784, pl. xxv.;
BC 1905, 199-202;
1914, 364-365; WR 116 ;
Gilb. i. 162;
Rosch. ii. 652-653).