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ἄμβων , ωνος, , Att. for Ion. ἄμβη , acc. to Gal.18(1).340, but Rhodian acc. to Bacchiusap.Apollon.Cit.1.7:—
A.crest of a hill, A.Fr. 103; “ἐπ᾽ οὔρεος ἀμβώνεσσινCall.Aet.3.1.34.
2. rim or edge of a cup (esp. of one that curves inwards), Eup.52, Ephipp.3.16, Critias 34D., Plu.Lyc.9.
b. (from similarity of shape), rim of jointsocket, Gal.UP1.15, al., cf. 18(1).340.
3. = γυναικεῖον αἰδοῖον, Eust.1539.33 (so perh. in Eup.l.c.).
4. in Cos, steps, rungs of ladder, Apollon.Cit.1.7.
5. pulpit, title of poem by Paul. Sil., cf. JHS28.195 (Aspendus).
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