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καθολικός , ή, όν, (καθόλου)
A.general,ὕδεροςHp.Int.26; καθολικόν, τό, generic description, Stoic.2.74; καθολικά, τά, title of work by Zeno, ib. 1.14; ἔμφασις (v. sub voc.) Plb.6.5.3, cf. 1.57.4; “κ. καὶ κοινὴ ἱστορίαId.8.2.11; “κ. περίληψιςD.H.Comp.12; “κ. παραδόσειςPhld. Rh.1.126S.; “κ. θεώρημαCic.Att.14.20.3; “κ.praecepta, Quint.2.13.14; -ώτεροι λόγοι general, opp. εἰδικοί, S.E.P.2.84, cf. Hermog.Meth. 5; κ. προσῳδία, title of work by Hdn.Gr. on accents; “νόμος -ώτεροςPh.2.172; κ. ἐπιστολή an epistle general, 1 Ep.Pet.tit.; of general interest, BGU19i5(ii A.D.); universal,κ. τίς ἐστιν καὶ θεία ταυτότης καὶ ἑτερότηςDam.Pr.310. Adv. -κῶς generally,ἀποφήνασθαιPlb. 4.1.8; “εἰπεῖνin general terms, Str.17.3.10, cf. Phld.Rh.1.161 S.; “κ. εὑρίσκεταί τιHermog.Inv.3.11; κ., opp. πληθικῶς ('in the majority of cases'), OGI669.49(Egypt, i A.D.); universally, Porph.Sent.22: Comp. “-ώτερονPlb.3.37.6, Gal.18(1).15; -ωτέρως Lyc.16.
II. as Subst., καθολικός , , supervisor of accounts (οἱ καθόλου λόγοι), = Lat. procurator a rationibus,Εὐφράτης κ.Gal.14.4, cf. Jahresh.23 Beibl.269(Ephes., ii A.D.); in Egypt, = Lat. rationalis, PLond.3.1157 (iii A.D.), IGRom.1.1211 (Diocletian), POxy.2106.25(iv A.D.), etc.; also, = consularis, Gloss.; in cent. iv, also, = rationalis summarum,Τεωργίῳ κ.Jul.Ep.188, 189 tit.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (8):
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 14.20.3
    • Polybius, Histories, 1.57.4
    • Polybius, Histories, 3.37.6
    • Polybius, Histories, 4.1.8
    • Polybius, Histories, 6.5.3
    • Polybius, Histories, 8.2.11
    • Strabo, Geography, 17.3.10
    • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De Compositione Verborum, 12
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