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νεῦσις (A), εως, , (νεύω)
A.inclination, tendency of physical forces to or from a centre, Ti.Locr.100d.
2. νεύσεις, αἱ, title of work by Apollonius of Perga, problems where a straight line has to be drawn through a point so as to intercept a given length between two lines or curves, Papp.670.4.
3. downward tendency, gravitation, Plu. 2.1122c, prob. in Alex.Aphr.Pr.1.131.
4. tendency, inclination, Plot.1.1.12.
5. in Neo-Platonic philosophy, declension in the scale of Being, esp. of the Soul, “ν. πρὸς σῶμα καὶ ὕληνId.1.6.5; ν. εἰς or πρὸς τὴν γένεσιν, CA26p.479M., Porph.Antr.11; “ πρὸς τὸ χεῖρον ν.Jul.Or.5.166d.
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