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νύμφ-η , (Ep. voc.
A.νύμφα^Il.3.130, Od.4.743 (Aeol. acc. to Choerob. in Theod.1.304) ; later also as nom., AP14.43 ; but Dor. νύμφα_ ), young wife, bride, Il.18.492, Hdt. 4.172 ; “ν. ἄγεσθαιAr.Pl.529 ; “ἈελίοιοPi.O.7.14 ; opp. νυμφίος, Pl. Lg.783e ; opp. παρθένος, Praxill.5, Com.Adesp.1215 ; always relatively young, as Iris calls Helen, or as Eurycleia calls Penelope, “νύμφα φίληIl.3.130, Od.4.743, cf. E.Med.150, Andr.140 (both lyr.).
2. marriageable maiden, Il.9.560, Hes.Th.298.
3. daughter-in-law, LXX1 Ki.4.19, Ev.Matt.10.35.
4. young girl,πενταέτης ν.IG14.2040.2.
II. Nymph or goddess of lower rank, “θεαὶ ΝύμφαιIl.24.616, cf. Hes.Th.130, Fr.171.5, al., IG12(8).358 (Thasos, V B.C.) ; N. “κοῦραι Διὸς αἰγιόχοιοOd.6.105 ; N. “ἅλιαιS.Ph.1470 (anap. ; cf. Ναϊάς, Νηρηΐς) ; N. Ὀρεστιάδες, Ὀρειάδες, Il.6.420, Bion 1.19, cf. Ar.Av.1098 (lyr.) ; N. “ΜελίαιHes. Th.187, cf. Ἀδρυάδες, Ἁμαδρυάδες, Δρυάδες ; N. ὑάδες, ὑδριάδες, Id.Fr.180, Porph.Antr.18 ; N. λειμωνιάδες, πετραῖαι, S.Ph.1454 (anap.), E.El.805.
2. esp. of springs, ὀνομάζεσθαι τὰς πηγὰς N. Ath.11.465a, cf. Lib.Or.11.28 : hence, poetically, water, AP9.258 (Antiphan.), 331 (Mel.), cf. Plu.2.147f.
3. in mystical theology, “Ζεὺς ἄμβροτος ἔπλετο ν.Orph.Fr.21a4.
b. applied to souls seeking birth, Porph.Antr.18 ; cf. νυμφεύω.
III. doll, puppet, AP6.274 (Pers.), Jul.Caes.332d.
IV. young bee or wasp, in the pupa stage, Arist.HA551b2, 555a3.
b. winged male of the ant, Hsch.
V. kind of mollusc, Speusipp. ap. Ath.3.105b.
VI. point of the ploughshare, Poll.1.252, Hes. Op. 425.
VII. hollow between the under-lip and chin, Ruf.Onom.42, Poll.2.90, Hsch.
b. depression on the shoulder of horses, Hippiatr. 26.
VIII. opening rosebud, Phot.
IX. clitoris, Ruf.Onom.112, Gal.UP15.3.
X. niche, Callix.2.
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hide References (23 total)
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (23):
    • Aristophanes, Birds, 1098
    • Aristophanes, Plutus, 529
    • Euripides, Andromache, 140
    • Euripides, Electra, 805
    • Euripides, Medea, 150
    • Herodotus, Histories, 4.172
    • Hesiod, Theogony, 130
    • Hesiod, Theogony, 187
    • Hesiod, Theogony, 298
    • Hesiod, Works and Days, 425
    • Homer, Iliad, 18.492
    • Homer, Iliad, 24.616
    • Homer, Iliad, 3.130
    • Homer, Iliad, 6.420
    • Homer, Iliad, 9.560
    • Homer, Odyssey, 4.743
    • Homer, Odyssey, 6.105
    • New Testament, Matthew, 10.35
    • Old Testament, 1 Samuel, 4.19
    • Plato, Laws, 783e
    • Sophocles, Philoctetes, 1454
    • Sophocles, Philoctetes, 1470
    • Bion of Phlossa, Epitaphius Adonis, 1.19
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