2. spine or backbone, “σύγκειται ἡ ῥ. ἐκ σφονδύλων, τείνει δ᾽ ἀπὸ τῆς κεφαλῆς μέχρι πρὸς τὰ ἰσχία” Arist.HA516a11, cf. PA654b12, al.; ὑπὸ ῥάχιν παγέντες impaled, A. Eu.190, cf. S.Fr.20, E.Cyc.643; μυελὸς κοίλης ῥάχεως Archel. ap. Antig.Mir.89, cf. Pl.Ti.77d, 91a.
II. anything ridged like the backbone:
1. ridge of a hill or mountain, Hdt.3.54, 7.216, IG42(1).71.14 (Epid., iii B.C.), Plb.3.101.2, D.H.5.44, Str.3.2.3 (pl.); ἂν ῥάχιν along the ridge, GDI5075.69 (Crete, i B.C.); so Archil.21 like ned Thasos to an ὄνου ῥάχις.
4. the sharp projection on the middle of the shoulder-blade, Gal. UP13.10, Ruf.Onom.71.
5. outer edge of the arm of the polypus, Arist.HA524a7.
6. trunk, of Dagon, LXX 1 Ki.5.4.