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ὑπέραντλ-ος , ον, prop. of a ship,
A.full of water (ἄντλος), water-logged, AP5.203 (Mel.), Ph.1.670, Plu.Luc.13, Poll. 1.92, etc.: metaph., of the ship of state, D.C.52.16.
2. of persons, “φορτί᾽ ἐξέρριψ᾽ . γενόμενοςDiph.43.12: metaph., over-charged, Luc.Tim.18; “συμφορᾷE.Hipp.767 (lyr.); “ταῖς φροντίσινPlu. Mar.45.
II. overflowing,σιτοθῆκαιThem.Or.18.221b: metaph., “ὕβριςLuc.Tim.4.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (6):
    • Euripides, Hippolytus, 767
    • Plutarch, Lucullus, 13
    • Plutarch, Caius Marius, 45
    • Lucian, Timon, 18
    • Lucian, Timon, 4
    • Cassius Dio, Historia Romana, 52.16
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